Alfonzo Rachel on Hate

Rising Internet star and the man behind Twenty Pound Sledge speaks out on hatred, bigotry and the often asinine Free Republic in this Republican pride fest that speaks directly to the Red Alerts base. Somewhere Ronald Reagan is breathing a sigh of relief that the spirit of the GOP is still alive and well:


This is Leftism: Palin Haters Create Trig Mocking Blog

Forget the media bias that that has been so over the top that they can’t even hide it. Forget that even though Palin increased funding for teen pregnancy programs, the Washington Post claims she cut funding. Forget the media going to their radical friends at Code Pink to get the reaction of “independents” to Palin’s speech. Forget the rampant sexism of the media elites.  This site Jawa Report dug up is the quintessential example of what the modern American left is:


Yeah, it’s a Blogger blog so pop on over and and report them. Not that it’ll help as child advocate blogger Evie told me in the comments on this post another Google owned site YouTube has ignored her pleas for months to take down the account of this Jihadist whose background image is of the Towers coming down. And of course YouTube is still a haven for child pornography:

You’re absolutely right and I will never again have an account on YouTube.

There have been many of us with pages on YouTube who go around reporting any child endangerment/porn/abuse videos we find. I can’t speak for all the others but I know that none of the videos I have reported or helped to report have ever been removed. Videos of little girls in bathtubs with side comments about them being sexy, videos of infants being given rectal thermometers supposedly for education purposes – posted by men and commented on by men about the sweetness and soft looking bodies, videos of girls between 5-8 being made to dance in front of the camera in underwear and rubbing their bodies with their hands in ways no child should EVER do. No video like these have ever been removed. I’ve since deleted my account there and now just send the URLs to the FBI’s Missing and Exploited Children division.

Take a look at this person’s background: . He is one of those radical Islamics and his background has been reported by thousands of people for months. YouTube replies that the background is not in violation of any guideline.

So don’t get your hopes up that Google will do anything about the vile Trig bashing website. If they’ll allow child porn and videos reveling in the deaths of 3000 Americans to stay up on YouTube I doubt they’ll care much about mocking kids with Down syndrome.

So what kind of hope and change is this?

This is What Obamunists Look Like

A creepy Manson-esque hipster cult completely unaware of how bizarre they’re acting. This performance is so dead on and touches on so many of the character flaws that drive people to embrace a cult of personality that I suspect it to be a clever parody:


Now that’s Obamamania! As counterpoint check out this video put together by Native Americans Against Obama which accuses the Illinois Senator of not doing anything to stop “The Slaughter” of Buffalo in Yellowstone. No Yellowstone isn’t in Illinois.


Seems unfair to blame Obama for something their own Senators are supposed to do, but then again the groups lists of grievances is racist nutrootery so profoundly stupid that it will make the video seem almost rational.

h/t Moonbattery