ZO hits the nail on the head, so I’ll forgive his dig at Thompson. Time for Republicans to rally:
ZO hits the nail on the head, so I’ll forgive his dig at Thompson. Time for Republicans to rally:
It’s Halloween, or Samhain if you prefer, and as is traditional I’ll be incommunicado while celebrating the The Grand Sabbat in style. Because the legendary Hellfire Blogs Halloween celebrations are all day (and all night) affairs it’ll be light blogging here until November 2nd at least.
Prepare for your festivities tonight the way I do, with a light dose of Diamond banging:
Enjoy yourselves.
Not that I blame them. This video sums up the PUMA position nicely and should inspire Republicans to fight harder than we have been. After all, if there are Democrats fighting this hard to stop Obama, how can we do any less?
h/t Pagan Power
The “findings” were a smear job that basically said she should have controlled her husband. Even then it showed she did nothing unlawful and her supposed ethical lapse was not stopping Todd Palin from demanding the man who threatened to kill his father-in-law be fired. The media will spin this all different ways clearly, but here’s the truth from Saracuda’s mouth:
Gauge is an adult actress with a large Internet footprint. So large in fact that while reading a gunblog called Hell in a Handbasket I saw this post about her support for the Second Amendment and conservative politics in general. It referenced a blog post on her MySpace which detailed her perfectly mainstream political beliefs:
Presidential Campaign ’08
Okay, I’ll try to do just a quick note on where I’m at with this whole campaign. Let me start off by saying that I am NOT a Democrat. For those of you who are I won’t judge you……I’ll pray for you….=)
Let me start by saying why I’m not a demorcat. I believe in Pro-Life, not Pro-Choice. I believe that our society is part of the problem and not the solution. Everywhere we go or everytime we watch TV our socirty says it’s OK to have sex, irresponsible sex! And young girls especially thinks it’s ok because they can just get the baby sucked right out of them, no big deal. Dems also don’t believe that any unborn child has rights, so if I drop kick a chick in the belly when shes 8 months prego and kill the baby, I get charged with simple assault. That’s just a little too unhumanistic for me.
2nd: I love having my 2nd Amendment rights an NOBODY should ever take that away.
3rd: They always paly the “race card” especially in this election. I can’t stand it.Now. I am and will vote for McCain. I was afraid he was going to pick Romney for VP, but I am very happy with his decision and I believe that Palin breathes new life into the GOP. I’m disappointed that CNN and the other news media outlets say, “How can she be VP with 5 kids?” Well, they’re sexist. They would never say that about a male. That’s just a low shot.
Now, I know it always comes down to shitty or shitier, and I’ll elaborate more about that later since it’s getting late. These are only my top opinion for this evening!
Boilerplate so far, no? Except for the fact that Gauge works in the sex industry she’s pretty much the girl next door in my new home of South Carolina, and frankly when you include exotic dancers, car show models and the full spectrum of “adult’ performers into the equation her conservatism is probably not unusual at all. She’s a pro-life woman who believes it’s her right to make her own decisions with her body and has her own moral code which she wants other people to respect.
As you can imagine some MySpace leftists were less than supportive. Like 40-year-old MrFuckinSunshine who had this to say: Continue reading