Women and Guns

Here’s a short report from a local news show on the growing number of women buying guns for self-defense I found at Theo Spark. Don’t get excited, everyone’s clothed:


Good stuff. It’s nice to see that in at least one area liberal doctrine has been replaced by common sense in one of the Democrats biggest constituencies. For the 20% of you who came expecting something a little more Theo Spark-esque when you saw the title, I’ll throw you a bone:


We Need More Republicans Like Michele Bachmann


Congresswoman Bachmann just released this statement on her website:

Today, U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann (MN-6) reaffirmed her support for the people of Israel and voted for the bipartisan resolution, H.Res. 34, which recognizes Israel’s right to defend itself against attacks by Hamas, reiterates the United States’ strong support for Israel, and supports the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

In debating this resolution, Bachmann stated:

“The current conflict in Gaza has drawn worldwide attention and concern. No one likes to see the destruction, the loss of life, the grief. But, Israel was pushed into a corner with no other option than to defend and protect its people. Now, it is time that Congress put its words into action and stand strong behind our most valuable ally, Israel.

The extremist views that support terrorism and violence are the biggest threat to both our nations. Terrorist organizations like Hamas and the Islamic Jihad actively foster violence and hinder the peace process in the Mideast. These acts endanger the entire global community, most of all the peace-loving people who live in the Middle East. These are not only Israelis, but also Palestinians. They deserve a chance for a peaceful life and a future for their children. Terrorists work to block such chances.

The people of Israel have been victims of violence and hatred for far too long. It is imperative that the leaders of America do everything in their power to foster an environment with the Middle East that promotes peace and understanding. The future of America and Israel depend on it.”

Exactly. I’m proud our elected officials are standing by Israel and prouder still there are Republicans like Michele Bachmann willing to stand up for Israel when so many Americans are willing to devolve into rank anti-Semitism.

She’s on Twitter and YouTube. Check her out.

Thank You Brit Hume

When I first started really following politics I tried watching a lot of news shows on a lot of different channels but over the years there is only one that I continued to watch nightly and that was Special Report with Brit Hume. Brit Hume has been a voice I trust in both the reporting of Washington politics and the commentary on the political stories of the day and his departure from the the evening time slot is a sad day for fans of old fashioned reporting that is fair, balanced, and unafraid.

While many will be wishing Brit good luck in his future endeavors I’d like to also take the opportunity to say thank you.

Here’s video of Brit’s last few minutes from Hot Air:


This is Why I love My New Home in South Carolina

After Thanksgiving there will be a two day tax free shopping day-on guns. Behold the Second Amendment Recognition Act:

Columbia, SC—Most people are probably unaware of it, but on the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving, handguns, rifles and shotguns will be sales tax free in South Carolina. State lawmakers passed a bill in June that includes the sales tax holiday on firearms. They called it the Second Amendment Recognition Act.

Rep. Mike Pitts, R-Greenwood, was the sponsor of the original bill. He said he got the idea after talking to the owners of a hunting outfitters shop in Clinton about the late summer sales tax holiday for back-to-school supplies and clothing. The store owners said they could use the stimulus, too. “It was to help dealers,” Rep. Pitts says. “Another point was to bring recognition to the 2nd amendment.”

Kent Parsons, manager of Barron’s Outfitters hunting and fishing store in Columbia, says the days after Thanksgiving are typically busy sales days anyway. He’s hoping that even more people than usual will be buying shotguns and rifles from his store since they’ll be sales tax free. Sales tax will still be charged on ammunition and accessories.

“It might just be enough of a savings that a bigger-ticket item they can justify this year, with economic times being pretty tough,” Parsons says. “If you save 50 or 100 dollars on something, that’s a fairly sizeable reward.”

Damn right it is. I just purchased a Stoeger Coach Gun in 20ga (the handsome and manly Blued barrel and Walnut model) so it’ll be an uphill battle to convince the Mrs I need another firearm. But I’ve got try. It’s the law! Sort of.