The Bloody Legacy of Arab Islam in Africa

Here’s an interview with John Alembillah Azuma, author of the most important book Black Americans thinking of converting to Islam will ever read, The Legacy of Arab-Islam in Africa. In the book Azuma proves definitively not only that Arab Muslim enslavement of Blacks is more pernicious than any other slavery in the world (indeed it still goes on today), but that it was in fact viler and more vicious.

Compared to the white washes of Arab racism that most “academics” participate in, Azuma’s book is a breath of fresh air that exposes the ugly truth about Arab Imperialism and its consequences when embedded in a religious community. I’ve blogged about Arab racism toward Blacks leading to murder and genocide, this book is my evidence of that truth.

If you don’t read the book at least watch the interview and learn about the horrors of 1400 years of systematic rape, torture and murder perpetrated on innocent Africans by Arab Imperialists:

h/t Atlas Shrugs via Lionheart, who has more on Islamic sexual slavery.

Witness Who Spotted Girl Thought to Be Madeleine in Morocco Receiving Death Threats

Her tip to private investigators led to the discovery of a mysterious American child assumed to have been kidnapped, and has given hope to the McCann family that little Madeleine is still alive. For her compassion she is now targeted for death by Moroccan organized crime:

A woman who claims to have seen Madeleine McCann being bundled into a taxi in Morocco, says she has received anonymous Mafia death threats.

Naoual Malhi, 24, says men claiming to work for the country’s crime barons have warned her to keep her mouth shut about what she saw – and ditch plans to probe the sighting herself.

The mum-of-one, whose daughter Ines is Madeleine’s age, has told how one growled: “Let this lie if you know what’s good for you, your daughter and the rest of your family, otherwise you’re a dead woman next time you’re in Morocco.”

But brave Naoual is pressing ahead with plans to defy the threats and return to her homeland to look for the girl she saw.

She is also getting the calls – which come from withheld numbers – taped so she can hand them over to police helping in the hunt for the missing four-year-old.

Naoual, who lives near Marbella, Spain, said: “I’m not frightened by the mafia.

“It’s obvious I’m on to something otherwise they wouldn’t be calling.

“They’ve warned me I’m going to be killed next time I step on Moroccan soil unless I shut my mouth about Madeleine.

“But I know the girl I saw getting into that taxi was her and I’m not going to stop until I find her.

If she is really getting death threats it seems that her charges must be credible. If not Madeleine, than there is something the Moroccan underworld wants to keep hidden from the world. Let’s hope someone shines some light there soon.

Moroccan Slave Haven Revealed!

The town where private detectives found an American girl being held as a slave while looking for Madeleine McCann is under intense scrutiny as questions about the former Barbary state’s rumored policy of allowing the trafficking of Europeans draw strange reactions from local officials. From the Daily Mail:

Detectives from the Metodo 3 investigating team – the Spanish private detective agency hired at great expense by the McCanns to trace their daughter – claim they were phoned by a schools inspector from Karia, who said he had potentially crucial information.

He told them he had seen Madeleine, and his story is said to be backed up by several others.

The trail to Karia began a month ago when Naoual Malhi, a Spanish woman of Moroccan origin, claimed she saw a child with a striking resemblance to Madeleine in the Moroccan coastal resort of Findeq.

She sought the help of a police chief she knew in Fes, and thousands of posters of Madeleine were distributed in the area, urging people to contact Metodo 3 investigator Antonio Jiminez with any information.

As a result, Mrs Malhi says Mr Jiminez was contacted by the education inspector from Karia who told how a child with a striking resemblance to Madeleine had been seen in the town.

The claims prompted a flurry of door-to-door inquiries last week by Karia’s small police force who, like most Moroccan forces, have a dossier on Madeleine.

For officers used to dealing with petty car crime and stolen mobile phones, it was a period of high drama, but they drew a blank.

They are now convinced that Madeleine is not in the town and have hit out angrily at what they perceive to be slurs on their ability.

The unnamed education inspector – who, according to newspaper reports, is now on holiday – is said to have claimed that 15 of his neighbors all backed his story.

He is alleged to have told detectives that Madeleine was living on the outskirts of the community with a Berber woman, aged about 40, and a girl in her mid teens.

Karia’s police chief insisted his officers had conducted a thorough search of the sprawling town’s 2,000 houses, but admitted the surrounding countryside was harder to monitor.

About 130,000 people live in the area around Karia, yet just 18,000 are in the centre.

Here, everyone knows each other. There are no hotels, no town hall or council buildings, and youngsters who grow up here nearly always stay for life.

The police chief, who refused to give his name, angrily refuted claims that Madeleine was there, and instead cruelly suggested she was dead and blamed her distraught parents for what had happened.

The overweight, bald officer also boasted that there was no crime in Karia.

Yet, as he spoke, three young Moroccan men were sweating in an airless, filthy cell just yards away.

He said: ‘She is not here. We have checked for her. Why would she be here? We would know if she was. We would have been told by the people.

‘In cases like this you always must look at the parents. There are lots of hypotheses going round about them. We are astonished that we have been brought into this. It is incredible. The truth is she is probably not alive and if she is, she is not here.

‘We have a dossier on her and we have nothing to hide. It is the parents who are hiding things. Why are they not still coming to Portugal to look for their daughter? Morocco doesn’t need this. We have no crime and nothing like this.’

Methinks the police chief protests overmuch.

Kidnapped American Girl Found in Morocco!

Private investigators hired by the parents of Madeleine McCann found a girl they believe to be a kidnapped American. From the Daily Mail:

The insider at Metodo 3 said of the American girl: “Investigators came across her as they were working to find Madeleine and have tipped off Interpol. There is a long history of girls being kidnapped from Europe and ending up in Morocco.

“It’s a very secretive country and the area of the Rif mountains enjoys official protection because of the importance of the hashish production and trafficking that goes on to the country’s economy.

It was obvious to the investigators that this girl was not with her natural family. It’s entirely feasible that Madeleine could be in a similar situation.

“Seeing this other girl gave investigators a lot of hope that Madeleine too is alive.”

Metodo 3, based in Barcelona, currently has three men on the ground in northern Morocco, including a former head of the Spanish National Police’s organized crime squad. They are also thought to have an army of informers working for them.


“There are a thousand cases of children being abducted and ending up in Morocco. Blonde children are a very valuable commodity in places like North Africa. It’s the obvious conclusion to come to, not some far-fetched flight of fancy.

“The theory that Madeleine was kidnapped is now top of their list. And the possibility she is in Morocco is something they are considering.”

Last week Metodo 3 launched a phone hotline. Anybody with information should call 0034 902 300 213.

Many countries in the Islamic world still practice various forms of slavery with Christian girls, some as young as 11, targeted specifically to be forcibly converted than married off to Muslim men. Egypt’s Coptic population is especially hard pressed and the Janjaweed Militias in concert with Sudanese military often kidnap young girls and sell them into slavery.

There are also reports that witnesses have positively identified little Madeleine McCann in Morocco with Berber woman who fled the scene when she noticed the child being scrutinized.

Morocco was part of the Barbary Coast, whose corsairs enslaved thousands of European Christians for centuries. If little Madeleine is found to have been taken by modern Barbary slavers, will this be considered an act of war? For that matter, if the Moroccan authorities are turning a blind eye toward white slavery, what will our own government do if this girl turns out to really be a kidnapped American?

Lionheart has been blogging about the resurgence of Islamic sexual slavery in Europe for months. He also has prayed for good news on the McCann front, let’s hope they’ve been answered.

Bono Illustrates the White Liberals’ True Feelings about Minorities

Say Anything brings us this story which exposes the colonialist racism hidden behind the chronic do-gooderism of Bono’s much lauded activism for Africa. Bono was in attendance at a tech conference in Tanzania, where organizers hoped to show a different kind of Africa, one of stability and investment opportunities. Bono likes his Africa kneeling to Europeans and begging for sustenance, as his childish behavior shows. From Technology Review:

But the second, more interesting theme–echoed by every speaker–is that traditional aid and charity, whether distributed by nation-states or nongovernmental bodies, have failed. Andrew Mwenda, a Ugandan journalist and social worker, now a fellow at Stanford, made the case most strongly. He argued convincingly that 30 years of Western aid to Africa has achieved nothing at all. More, he said that the persistence of African poverty could be explained, in part, by aid. He explained that aid had convinced the brightest Africans to work for corrupt governments rather than as entrepreneurs, and it had “distorted the incentive structure.”

“What man or nation,” Mwenda asked, “has ever become rich by holding out a begging bowl?”

Far better, he said, is finding Westerners to invest in African entrepreneurs or businesses, which would create wealth. Mwenda, like other speakers, described at length the investment opportunities in Africa. (I half expected the pitch to be directly addressed to Doerr et al.)

This line of argument enraged Bono, however, who began heckling Mwenda.

“Bollocks!” he shouted. “That’s bullshit.”

Bono is a strong supporter of intelligently managed aid. When it came his turn to speak, he said that Ireland’s current prosperity is explained by government investment in its people, particularly education. He said that listening to Mwenda was like listening to an African Margaret Thatcher.

Oh, and everything you’ve heard about Bono’s height is entirely true: he really is remarkably short.

So Bono thinks it would be Bollocks to have African countries self reliant and unbeholden to White Europeans. Bono thinks it’s bullshit for Black Africans to have dignity, prosperity and the respect of the world by using investment to become part of the first world. Bono thinks Margret Thatcher, who created much of the wealth the English are now pissing away, is a horrible example for Africa to follow. Instead they should line up, tap dance and get their free hand outs.

Bono, like anyone who thinks U2 is punk (it’s not) is white trash. A rich P.O.S. who enjoys the feeling of power he gets when the head of a sovereign state comes to him and says “Please help me beg Europe for money to feed my people.” He doesn’t want those people to be able to feed themselves, he doesn’t want Africans to be equal to his precious White Ireland. He wants a continent of servile, downtrodden peons who are sexually abused by U.N. “peace keepers” and massacred by Arabized Jihadists. He wants a blood drenched starving Africa that sends envoy after envoy to his mansion to beg him to help them beg.

When an African declares he wants to be independent from Whites, that relying on the supposed largess of Whites is poor public policy, Bono goes on the attack. Why is that?

Because like all White liberals Bono’s a racist. he wants Blacks to depend on him because he doesn’t want Black Africans surpassing him. He wants them on their knees, with chains of aid binding them to his whims. He doesn’t care about Black Africans, he just wants them to have to care about him.