This is What Liberals Think of Americans

A get out the vote commercial featuring racists, homophobic pig farmers and drug addicts. The point being leftists need to vote to cancel out the votes of typical Americans. At the very end there’s a “thoughtful” voter representing the voice of reason who seems to imply WW II wasn’t worth fighting:


This video was posted on a DailyKos open thread. Via Daily Antikos. It’s purportedly the work of Daily Show writer Scott Jacobsen and Aqua Teen hunger Force writer Scott Willis. It’s nice to know how they envision most of us isn’t it?

3 thoughts on “This is What Liberals Think of Americans

  1. I guess there are some losers that just want to make a fool of themselves on the Internet. This entire “commercial” here makes someone who is mentally retarded can do a better commercial than this.

  2. It’s that last few seconds of the video that really piss me off. They’re trying to entice people to vote to counteract the votes of people who have veterans in their families? Really? I mean, really?


    Tricking a biological corrosive, into attacking its self. In our fight against hazards to life, viruses and bacteria are on consistent attack. Also on consistent attack is a power fighting for control of liberty. Fooling humans has long been a military tactic used to conquer nations. America is under attack. Freedom has been sacrificed in lue of monetary gain. Liberty is consistently restricted and issued biased on status and wealth. Justice has been turned into an A.T.M… Supporting a socialized system of monetary subsidies to the less fortunate, placing them, in a position of dependency on government.
    Memory of history lost and destroy by Government control of the education system, is of, an independent free nation, of self supporting humans, known as Americans, not dependent, on subsidy.
    Recently over 800 billion dollars was dished out as if small change. Given to the aristocracy, of the United States of America. Over $2500.00 per Citizen. People are killing for $100.00 dollars, robbing convince stores, yet not one American has raised alarm to this robbery of our money by the government. Our Citizens, have started War, based on “over taxing” and “oppressive property laws”. Where is the fight, now ? Communists Countries allow peaceful protest.
    Peace is not what makes our First Amendment strong ! Violence is Power ! Violence preserves LIBERTY. Have the majority of Americans turned into “SOCALISTS”?
    Men marrying , men. Women marrying, women. It would seem America has been turned into exactly what our Nation was established to defend against. The loss of LIBERTY. From near the beginning a lie has been perpetrated against every American. In the name of control. In the name of manipulation. In the name of sociopathic Government. To support, a system of “Monetary Slavery” of all mankind. Manipulations, of language to support law, for the sole purpose of control, over the under achieving populations of the United Stated of America.
    Our Constitution Guarantees all Citizens the right to fight violently to preserve LIBERTY. We are not restricted from total rebellion. This is called CIVIL WAR. The Security of our Nation has been BREACHED. Isn’t it about time something is done to save LIBERTY ?


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