“Sad hate filled Troll” that I am, at least according to “LMFAOatyou” after my Black Power moment on the MyWay discussion forum, I take great pleasure in pointing out the alarming rise in anti-Semitism on the left. Nothing says “sad” and “hate filled” like being offended by bigotry I guess.
While a tend to focus on America, the left-wing downward spiral into Nazism is sometimes better illustrated from our “enlightened” cousins across the pond. Take for example this report by Melanie Phillips detailing the offensive Jewish conspiracy plot on recent episodes of top rated B.B.C. spy drama Spooks. Eric Lee has a synopsis of the offensiveness at his blog, and the B.B.C.’s problem with left wing bias in a larger context is dealt with in this Tom Leonard piece from the Telegraph.
No doubt the idea that Mossad is secretly responsible for all terrorist activities, in an attempt to smear defenseless Islamic extremists, is an idea that plays very well to the radical left in this country as well as England. Perhaps my friend LMFAO will find even more humor in the B.B.C.’s blatantly anti-Semitic propaganda, and will laugh harder still when the inevitable result of the main streaming of this insidious bigotry, pogroms, take place in Europe.