John Edwards Has No Shame

Even in pre-cancer days I thought some of the criticism of Edwards was a bit unfair. His armchair socialism tempered only by his conspicuous displays of ill gotten wealth should be enough fodder for a hundred anti-Edwards diatribes, yet the attacks on Edwards are often attacks on his perceived effeminacy (like Hot Air calling him “Silky Pony”) or hit pieces like Kirsten Powers’ infamous “John Edwards Loves Virtual Child Porn” post from a few months ago.

But the news that John Edwards collected the e-mails of his wife’s well wishers then spammed them in the hopes they would give to Edwards campaign is the most outrageous thing I’ve ever heard. There is nothing more disgusting than a grifter using someone’s illness as a way to part his marks from their money. It’s worse when the ill person is related to the grifter, proving that the only feelings this sociopath has are greed, avarice, and a sense of intellectual superiority that leads him to think others can’t see through him. It’s not just a repellent scheme, but it’s so transparent that it becomes disrespectful to the victims.

Edwards is a lawyer so this wasn’t as shocking as it should of been which is more of a commentary on the state of the legal profession than on Edwards. But Edwards is using his wife’s cancer to raise money right in front of her. She must feel very proud seeing her husband jump right back on the horse after such devastating news and start collecting money on the back of her cancer.

Edwards says there are two Americas, well I for one will stay in mine, where a husband puts his life on hold to be with his sick wife, and I hope Edwards stays in his.