Technically, that’s exactly what this article from Israel Insider says happened:
Palestinian policemen confessed to killing Ido Zoldan, 29, a father of two from the settlement of Shavei Shomron, in a drive-by shooting last week, the IDF and Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) revealed Sunday night.
Zoldan was killed the night before the Annapolis summit began, after his vehicle was shattered by rifle fire from another vehicle near the Arab village of al-Punduk.
The three members of the terror cell, it turns out, are Palestinian policemen and members of the Palestinian National Security Force, which Israel and the United States have been investing millions of dollars in as part of the international effort to strengthen Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and his Fatah government.
Oy Vey! Why do we fund any Islamist government anyway? Islamism is anti-capitalist, anti-liberal and anti-Western values. Shouldn’t we let them collapse their own government with their “Islamic” (meaning feudalist) economic policies and let them see for themselves what religious fanaticism and socialist dogma gets you.
Once they’ve starved off half of their population the rest will rise up, kill the leaders and become American allies. At least that’s my dream.
h/t Tel-Chai