Stillwell on Campus Anti-Semitism

Cinnamon Stillwell has a must read post up about the the much ignored hate crimes against Jews being perpetrated on college campuses with the tacit approval of the leftist intellectual elite:

We’ve all heard the refrain, “anti-Zionism doesn’t equal anti-Semitism” a million times from those desperate to convince themselves (Jews among them) that their single-minded obsession with and disproportionate condemnation of the world’s only Jewish state has nothing whatsoever to do with anti-Semitism. Others simply use that line as a fig leaf to try and conceal their outright opposition to Israel’s continued existence and, not coincidentally, the Jewish people.

But, as we’ve seen time and time again, the virulently anti-Zionist rhetoric that has been allowed to gain ground on America’s college campuses, both among faculty and student groups, tends to result in anti-Semitic sentiment and, often times, activity. The flyers hung all over campus at San Francisco State University in April 2002 displaying a Palestinian baby on a soup-can label and the words, “Palestinian Children Meat, slaughtered according to Jewish rites under American license” were a prime example. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Read the rest, but it shouldn’t shock you at all, colleges have been fostering anti-semitic myths for years, driven by an alliance between far left leaning “intellectuals” and young Islamists whose views of Jews owe more to American neo-Nazism than their own religion. The results of this sort of hate mongering ,which is spreading like a virus on the left side of the net, is tragic, disgusting and I’m afraid inevitable.

Orson Scott Card talked about this creeping academic/literary anti-semitism ages ago, but no one’s listening.

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