New York Cell of Communist Party U.S.A. Partakes in Filthy Capitalism!

The irony of an organization dedicated to promoting state control of everything, including the media, begging for contributions from readers to help continue publishing their “independent” paper is sweet like honey. From the New York C.P. Blog:

Labor Day is rolling around again signaling the end of summer and the beginning of the annual People’s Weekly World Fund Drive.

This year’s drive runs from Labor Day until Thanksgiving with a national goal of raising $200,000 to support the publishing of our favorite newspaper, the People’s Weekly World (PWW).

Here in New York State, we have pledged to raise $40,000, and we need your help to do it. We thank the many of you that have already pledged or contributed but we have a long way to go yet.

If you don’t already know, the PWW is a unique working-class publication with over 80 years of history covering the trade union movement, civil rights and student organizations and all of the struggles for peace, democracy, equality and socialism in this country and around the world.

The PWW doesn’t receive any corporate gifts, foundation grants, and doesn’t have any big advertisers. It produces an unparalleled and much celebrated alternative news publication every week only through the dedication and support of its readers.

Subscriptions and donations are the bread-and-butter of the PWW, and every year we take a few eeks to ask all of you to dig deep and put your money where your values are. If you believe in a better world, one where working people have power over their own lives, where the environment is protected from corporate greed, where equality and justice are more than just slogans, where our country is a force for peace and international friendship, then make a contribution to the People’s Weekly World Today.

Let me get this straight, the Communist party is going to smash Capitalism by selling overpriced newspapers to people with disposable income who like to pretend their revolutionaries? I suppose the subscriptions come with a Che t-shirt and a hammer and sickle design tote bag.

Sounds like the “Communist” party is just another scam to separate suckers from their money, you know like Focus on the Family or Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.

Damn Commies! They don’t even know how market their product. But I guess it’s hard to market oppression and evil. Here at Red Alerts we sell patriotism and love for the good ole U.S. of A. and after years of intensive market research we learned how to best communicate our message of Liberty to the world:


Charisma Carpenter, the Las Vegas born actress who stared in cult American T.V. series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel and the absolutely awesome Voodoo Moon. Is there a better reason to love America?

I don’t think so.