Forget the dottering Grandpa’ routine, after seeing the third or fourth link to the official Ron Paul HQ on a White Nationalist forum I got the sneaking suspicion that Ron Paul is a miscreant swindler who trudges through the fever swamps of marginal libertarianism churning up the muck and mire of any puddle of fringe thought which he can pan for gold. He’ll reach out to any group, no matter how unseemly, if it means more money, attention and devotees for his Lyndon Larouche style political cult dedicated to carving out a position of real power for “pork barrel Paul” so he can live like a King from
the paranoid sweat of ten thousand delusional shut-ins.
One such shut in going by the handle “John Knight” has been posting fallacious defenses of Paul on several Red Alerts posts. Here’s a taste:
Ron Paul points out that for three quarters of its life, our government managed to function perfectly well, including all the government “services†you mention above, WITHOUT the IRS. He also points out that the U.S. Constitution does not give authority for the IRS, nor an income tax. There’s a huge difference between “helping widows and orphansâ€, and establishing a black welfare class which now costs us more than one TRILLION dollars each year in social transfer payments, which could not happen if the IRS were to be righteously outlawed–and created a criminal class which is a far greater threat to the average citizen than 1.2 billion Muslims of the world, combined.
He conveniently leaves a link to his “Christian Party” website which I assume is endorsing Ron Paul. Paul may not be excited about an endorsement by this particular group however as it exposes Paul’s appeal is not so much to libertarians as rape loving racists who hate Jews and think the New World Order is secretly calling the shots in America.
Here’s a selection of his best hits:
He calls for a boycott of companies whose ads feature Black models. As he says, “once we see black we never go back!”
He hosts a poll to see how much support there is to exile Black people.
He believes Jews are “tapping” our computers. Also the Mafia are all Jews.
Dylan Klebold participated in the Columbine Massacre because he was a Jew who believed in the Holocaust Hoax.
Women’s Suffrage made America a totalitarian state!
I could go on but literally every page on this bizarrely hateful website is full of asinine conspiracy theories and racist rambling. The worst part of his site is dedicated to proving that most rape reports are false and a feminist conspiracy. It’s an especially creepy read on his rainbow decorated site which looks as if it was designed by a Strawberry Short cake afficianado.
So why does Paul attract this sort of degenerate to his flock anyway? Why can’t Paul supporters meet my challenge to identify a rational, normal self sufficient adult who isn’t a conspiracy theorist or living at home? Is it just fate, or is Paul a grifter who grooms these people as followers because they’re easier to bilk and will work for free promoting him?
As of yet, his campaign has no comment.
Why do you cherry pick who supports Ron Paul? You could do the same thing with any of the candidates. Why not point out the other areas Ron Paul is gaining support?
Ron Paul has a huge international following spanning all areas of the Globe- I myself am Brazilian. Ron Paul is also attracting lots of the elderly, and has the highest amount of military contributions from the military. He’s also gaining substantial support from Democrats and Independents- he’s attracting people who never gave a damn about politics before.
But to address your question- I believe it’s because of two reasons. 1) 9/11 conspiracy theorists are extremely optimistic about Ron Paul’s honesty and the fact that lobbyists don’t bother to visit his office anymore. As for the “white supreme” group, which I am strongly against- I believe it’s because of his stance of gun control and personal religious views.
But, why not ask the question- why is Ron Paul drawing support from so many diverse groups?
It’s convinient to post this article and not one about “Belgians for Paul”- isn’t it?
Why would it matter if Belgians (or Brazilians) support Paul. They can’t vote here and their opinions don’t really matter.
White Supremacist groups are anti-Capitalist (Libertarains like Paul are supposed to be pro-capitalist) and are often anti-Christian, anti-American and anti-Freedom. It is entirely legitimate to question why people who want to overthrow the government and kill significant portions of the population support paul.
But as the links above show, I’m not “cherry picking” anything, I’ve tried in vain to find a Ron Paul supporter that wasn’t a fringe dwelling bottom feeder. I’ve yet to find one, including yourself a Brazillian 9-11 conspiracy qauck who see nothing wrong with being allied with neo-Nazis because apparently you think national SOCIALism is compatable with Libertarianism.
The hell? I don’t believe in any 9/11 conspiracies, don’t put words in my mouth. I fully believe it was an act of terrorism. I am not “allied” with Neo-Nazis, but I am not a fascist who will shout them down for supporting a candidate- isn’t universal suffrage a fundemental right in the United States? And stop being so damn condescending- just because I support Ron Paul.
Okay, how about these supporters: Or are they “fringe dwelling bottom [feeders]” as well. Or how about all the footage of Ron Paul rallies, I’m sure those seventy year old grandmas are all conspiracy nuts as well, and those one thousand other people as well.
“Tried in vain”- that’s laughable, take off your jaded glasses.
Yes they are. The Libertarian platform calls for abolishing the military and replacing it with private securtiy companies. These “vets” are supporting a candidate that would disband the organization they’re using to give them the credibility they otherwise don’t enjoy.
You yourself said truthers like Paul because he’d “deal honestly” with them, implying that the government doesn’t. That would seem to imply that you’re supporting the spurious claims of the 9/11 “truth” movement. Furthermore, Ron Paul freely associates with Alex Jones and the like, lending credibility to a man who makes a living ripping off gullible and sometimes mentally disturbed individuals by selling them susbscriptions to his show and b-grade movies. Paul is culpable for those people being grifted because he won’t stand up and be honest.
Universal suffrage doesn’t mean universal acceptance. I’m not saying neo-Nazis who are American citizens shouldn’t vote, that’s a strawman you’ve set up. My point, which you will again no doubt refuse to answer is thatpaul appeals to to distinctly anti-American groups; the White nationalists who want tot overthrow the government and exterminate American citizens who aren’t White, and the predominately marxist conspiracy movement who would likely do the same with exception of being a bit more indescriminate in their pogrom.
Prove to me that is not a legitimate concern for me, a person of mixed ethnic background and a stron believer in literal Republicanism, that paul attracts large numbers of people who literally want to kill me. Being a white guy from Brazil, maybe it seems to trite to worry about being lynched, but I’m more apt to think that you wouldn’t “shout down” nazism because you are indeed a fascist, and like the Fascist before you are willing to support the Nazis because they want a similar society you do.
Wow, this guy’s actually serious?
Ron Paul is NOT a libertarian (big or little L), and he has NEVER said that he would abolish the military and replace it with private security companies. Purist libertarians do want to abolish the military (although I doubt that they would want the government to contract with private corporations for anything, let alone military service).
Ron Paul is NOT a racist; he cannot help that he attracts people from across the spectrum, from conspiracy theorists to white supremacists to peacenik-hippie types. My guess is that Ron Paul has no idea what is getting posted at racist websites, let alone that his name is being used.
For Ron Paul’s views on racism (which I believe condemn the racist groups that are posting about him, since he condemns classifying people by group, whether that group is based on race or not) read the following excerpt from his Texas Straight Talk column from April 16, 2007:
“Racism is simply an ugly form of collectivism, the mindset that views humans strictly as members of groups rather than individuals. Racists believe that all individuals who share superficial physical characteristics are alike: as collectivists, racists think only in terms of groups. By encouraging Americans to adopt a group mentality, the advocates of so-called “diversity” actually perpetuate racism. Their obsession with racial group identity is inherently racist.
“The true antidote to racism is liberty. Liberty means having a limited, constitutional government devoted to the protection of individual rights rather than group claims. Liberty means free-market capitalism, which rewards individual achievement and competence, not skin color, gender, or ethnicity.
“More importantly, in a free society every citizen gains a sense of himself as an individual, rather than developing a group or victim mentality. This leads to a sense of individual responsibility and personal pride, making skin color irrelevant. Rather than looking to government to correct our sins, we should understand that racism will endure until we stop thinking in terms of groups and begin thinking in terms of individual liberty.”
(you can read the whole thing at
All that sounds great, except that Paul is on record as saying Blacks are fleet footed thieves with the agility of gazelles and the strength of ten men or some such nonsense. I’d put forward that if paul was anti-Racist he’d keep his distance from those who were racist, just as if he truly believed in a 9/11 conspiracy he’d stay away from government officials.
Paul ran for President before as a Libertarian in 1988. It is widely known that Paul’s Republican affiliation is a cover so that he can remain in office in a “red state.”
The quote above doesn’t distance paul from racism at all, in fact it implies that racism is a reaction to the “anti-liberty” values of non-whites and liberal society. Nowhere does Paul mention that racist exist outside of his theorhetical free speech article, nor does he say racism is morally wrong or anti-American. His article simply states that free speech is free speech and that if America was more Libertarian people would be less racist. This is, if I may borrow a phrase from Chris Hitchens, sinister piffle.
Racism was created from the whole cloth of modern liberal fads and neo-Nazis and Klan members don’t join their respective movements out of protest to liberal policies. They join these groups because they themselves are anti-American, confederates or National Socialists who bond over racist ideology but have as a gaol the creation of an unfree society. They are no different than Marxists or Monarchist, they want to change the country into a dictatorship with them in charge. Paul address these home grown terrorist groups by claiming liberty makes people judge individuals sans racism.
But Paul isn’t claiming that racism is a threat to America, which it is, or that these ideologies are wrong and un-American. He glosses over those facts while accepting money from the Klan cells and Nazi bunds who he allows to believe will have their interest served by this man.
I guess that’s what you call integrity.
Cool! This is the third blog today that I found out about because they shit on RP.
That seems to be the new tactic.
1. Shit on Ron Paul
2. Get flooded with hits.
3. Keep arguing.
4. Get flooded with more hits.
Now, don’t stop talking about Ron Paul, ok? We wouldn’t want your measly blogad revenue to dry up.
My blog revenue isn’t measly “Juice” but my ax to grind with paul is legitimate. Why should anyone who isn’t a White “Nationalist” (a socialist) or a truther (crazed anti-American cranks)) support Paul if if in essence the Paul campaign is couting these twwo elements by not distancing themselves from them? The Republican Party the hard work necessary to purge the David Dukes that were hanging around giving them bad names, but Paul (and to a lesser extent the LP in general) isn’t willing to do the same.
White nationalists believe in a socailized economy, state planned society and the denial of individual freedom, platforms they picked up from their close associaltion with Nazism. These values are anti-Libertarain, yet Paul won’t simply say “White Nationalists have a right to be racists and espouse Marxism, but they stand for everything I don’t so I don’t want or need their support.” That would show integrity. But instead he’s happy to have people in that movement raise money for him.
Truthers are victims, victims of an industry that sells them books and DVDs that play on the paranoia, mental illness and social isolation of these frankly pitiful characters who want the world to be so different than it is because it helps them make sense of the failings of their own lives. How many truthers have you met that have elaborate conspiracies (tied into their knowledge of the “trutth’) which explain away why they’re divorced, being audited, were fired from their jobs, hear voices? I can point you to 20-30 individuals who keep web journals of their experiences with “the conspiracy” who are clearly mentally ill. Paul supports the people, like Alex Jones, who make a living taking advantage of them. He legitimizes jones by appearing on his program, and he feeds into peoples illness. This is also a lack of integrity.
The 50 extra hits a day I get from Paul supporters doesn’t change the bottom line on this particular blog. And this is a business I don’t talk about Paul because i want the extra three cents in ad revenue those 50 hits translates into, i have real concernes about Paul, and I e-mailed his camp for answers as to why they don’t disavow these people and got no response. Why is he encouraging Ed Brown? Why do so many people who are socialists support him? Why isn’t he setting his supporters straight on his real beliefs on 9/11?
Because he doesn’t have integrity and he’d be a lousy President.
Best Ron Paul video – (Reply: WRONG!…Best Presidential Candidacy Video EVER!!!)
That crap about replacing the military with private contractors is really just crap. One of the powers the Federal Government actually has is maintaining an Army.
Ron Paul has set his supporters straight about 9/11 several times. It’s not the conspiracy theory fanatics that have trouble hearing it – it’s you.
Ron Paul has more integrity than any other person in the race.
He’s an amazing force. He’s bringing Republicans, Democrats and a myriad of other subsects together under oen political umbrella, because it’s all about freedom and liberty.
The socialists are largely the only group not drawn to him, because he’s a small-government guy. But the few that have come over have done so because they relize that all the Democrats are controlled by corporate interests, and he’s their only hope to trash what we have and start over.
Well, at least one of them in our group is smart enough to realize that the whole “tax the rich” philosophy won’t work unless we tie our currency to a fixed commodity, but as a rule most socialists aren’t very good at economics.
No wonder the campaign won’t talk to you. You’re not even asking intelligent questions.
That crap about replacing the military with private contractors is really just crap. One of the powers the Federal Government actually has is maintaining an Army.
Ron Paul has set his supporters straight about 9/11 several times. It’s not the conspiracy theory fanatics that have trouble hearing it – it’s you.
He hasn’t encouraged Ed Brown. He said he doesn’t know enough about the case to comment about it. He does believe that civil dosobedience is a valid form of protest, but also tempers that rather harshly by demanding that people who take that course of action be prepared to pay the associated penalties.
Ron Paul has more integrity than any other person in the race.
He’s an amazing force. He’s bringing Republicans, Democrats and a myriad of other subsects together under oen political umbrella, because it’s all about freedom and liberty.
The socialists are largely the only group not drawn to him, because he’s a small-government guy. But the few that have come over have done so because they relize that all the Democrats are controlled by corporate interests, and he’s their only hope to trash what we have and start over.
Well, at least one of them in our group is smart enough to realize that the whole “tax the rich” philosophy won’t work unless we tie our currency to a fixed commodity, but as a rule most socialists aren’t very good at economics.
If you want a question that has some validity, ask him what he thinks should happen to women who have illegal abortions?
Why twice?
This is so full of crap. Why don’t you educate yourself. Go here,
I guess these stupid HIT pieces are to be expected as Dr. Paul grows in popularity every day.
To Rob Taylor,
First, I fully support Ron Paul 100%. I have donated several hundred dollars so far to his campaign, the first time I have ever given a condidate money, and I am as Republican as it gets. I voted for Bush Jr. in 2000 and 2004. I have a bachelor’s degree in Information and Networking Technology, a Pre-Law degree from Bemidji State University, work hard, no criminal record, etc. Since I support Ron Paul does that make me a white supremicist and a conspiracy nut? Oh oh, I better tell my mixed cousins and relatives to watch out for me. You have your right to free speech, and I have a right to not listen. But you seriuosly should check your facts instead of ranting on and on with twisted stories that you probably heard from Fox news or some other far right media source. The facts are there to see but you seem to ignore them and keep ranting about your perception of reality. Most Republicans, yes republicans like myself, are absolutley appalled by our party and the direction it has taken. Ron Paul is about individual liberty for all, even the crazies that the rest of the political world has ignored. Every person, regardless of how crazy their ideas or beliefs are, yours included, has the right to have an opinion. Hypocricy is rampant these days from people like you. You obviously are very passionate about your belief that Dr. Paul is racist. Except I too have looked at the facts, not the hit pieces that come out almost daily now from the MSM, but actual facts. Congressional voting records, speeches, articles that he wrote not someone else, etc. You should try and be more open minded and lift the fog from your brain that has made you dillusional. I will pray for you to see the truth. God bless. Go Ron Paul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You’re not a Republican or you wouldn’t have refered to Fox News, a channel where Harold Ford and Laura Schwartz and even Al Sharpton (all operatives for the DNC last I checked) appear regularly. You’re a liberal who quotes Media Matters and other far left sources.
You aren’t educated (not that I think a Bachelor’s in info tech really counts as being educated, whats next a Master’s in lawn maintenance?) because you don’t seem to know what hypocrisy means. I think it’s cowardly for Paul to not set White Supremacists straight and say “I’m not with you guys, I don’t want to be associated with you” but he doesn’t. His people will e-mail you to say Ron Paul thinks racism is wrong, but when will he tell the racists that? After they raise enough money for him? That’s hypocrisy.
Also, Ron Paul’s a libertarian, I’m a Republican. I lean libertarian compared to some Republicans (I’m pro-choice and pro gay marriage) but I’m still at odds with Paul on most issues. Including abortion which he takes the “far right” stance on. It would be hypocrisy for me to support him when I don’t agree with his politics just because I was upset with the GOP, no?
Being “mixed” myself, I’ll tell you your cousins may prefer the term Bi-racial. Or they may just go along with you so as not to receive e-mails with 42 exclamation points at the end, but I will say they don’t appreciate being trotted out as some sort of tool to “prove” that it’s meaningless that the above site, which advocates eliminating/exiling them from their own country, supports your candidate.
Hey, why don’t you take your cousins to a meeting with John Knight and the Stormfront supporters who love Paul and see if they think it’s “twisted” to say Paul’s tolerance of these people is disturbing?
I’ll give you a $60 Amazon gift certificate, you or anyone, who can prove I’m a hypocrite for not supporting Paul or exposing the rape loving racists who love him. Proving it would be defined as showing that I ignore/defend rape loving racists who support other candidates, or that I myself was a rape loving racist.
That’s what hypocrisy would mean here, I guess you didn’t learn that in pre-law.
You are a moron to say the least. I have two bachelor degrees, information and networking technology is paying me quite well. Far better than your ged that you received in idiocy. And the problem with racism is that people like yourselff are the most racist of them all! By considering terms like mixed as being offensive. Cry me a river you whiny little baby. Everyone is offended at some point in their life, that is the way it is. By you going off on this blog it shows you do not want personal liberty. You want government control of speech etc. so that you do not have to deal with white supremicits or whoever else you do not agree with. You are sad example of a republican, I will still pray for you. Go Ron Paul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If info tech pays so well why do you need the second Bachelors?
Since I have a Masters (Yes I’m being pretentious) I’ll say that it’s odd for people to have two Bachelors. Why not go on to an MA than a PHD?
But whatever, the real issue here is how asinine your assertion is that I want the government to limit free speech because i don’t let people refer to me any way they want. I’m a man with something you don’t have: Pride. I demand to have people refer to my race as I want them to, not by running to the government, but by demanding it personally. There’s a difference.
You tell me how speaking my mind on my blog (free speech) undermines personal liberty and I’ll give you cold hard cash. Also, since when does any rational person have to deal with the convict white trash who infest white supremacism? Of course I don’t deal with them, nor do i deal with child molester, meth addicts or communists. Why is this a threat to free speech?
So are you going to disavow the racism, rape promotion and calls to over throw our government of the above site, or just pretend I did a bunch of things you do all the time.
Just to prove you’re not educated, you don’t get a G.E.D. in anything, it’s just to show that you are educated to the same level as a high school grad. So not only was your joke hacky, it exposes your own ignorence.
I support Ron Paul–only because the other candidates are utterly submissive to the jewish lobby and aipac. The neo-cons started this war,its a TOTAL DISASTER. Remember when Pat Buchanan tried to stop the march to war,and claimed the jewish neo-cons did NOT have America’s beat interests at heart–and he was of course labelled “racist,anti-semite” blah blah blah blahbittyy blah. Your dumb claim that “white nationalists” support rape(????) is…from Mars. The people who post on SF are middle class Americans. Theyre good people.albeit people fed up with the jews race war!
My claim came from the site that supports rape. It’s a White Nationalist (though supposedly Christian) site that supports rape. Read it yourself.
And it’s a tad ironic for a man who is part of a movement to overthrow the Republic, kill or enslave the non-Whites (and I assume rape them) create a second Holocaust describe himself as “fed up with race war!”
Ron Paul 2008
He has my vote!
I can only assume this post was made by an uneducated delusional individual. This paranoiac poster calls Ron Paul supporters paranoid. Wow!
Ron Paul has an impeccable record and some are pissed off that no one has been able to dig up any dirt. There is a good reason for this. Dr. Ron Paul is a good man.
To call him a child rapist is slanderous and irresponsible.
He also has my vote!
Mark – you’re the only one who has used the phrase “child rapist” here. Rob’s post is about how Ron Paul’s campaign attracts the worst kind of degenerates, specifically white nationalists who believe the majority of reported rapes are part of a feminist conspiracy.
But I see you’d rather fabricate nonsense than address the real problem: that Ron Paul will gladly accept the support of anyone and everyone no matter how vile, racist, and morally objectionable they are.
If that’s the kind of company you want to surround yourself with, then by all means, go ahead and support Ron Paul.