Join the U.A.C. Rally Against Islamic Fascism on September 9th!

The U.A.C. is organizing a counter rally to the extremist infested “Muslim Day Parade” which will be attended by such “moderates” as Debbie “intifada” Almontaser and accused Pakistani death squad leader Ashrafuzzaman Khan, who reportedly helped lead a pogrom against Bangladeshi civilians in the 1970’s. One website describes Mr. Khan this way:

One of the chief al-Badr (Jamai Death squad in 1971) executioners. It has been clearly proved that he himself shot to death 7 teachers of Dhaka university in the killing zones at Mirpur. A certain Mofizzuddin, who drove the vehicle that carried those hapless victims to Mirpur, has clearly identified Ashrafuzzaman as the “chief killer” of the intellectuals.

After Liberation, Ashrafuzzaman’s personal diary was recovered from his residence, 350 Nakhal Para. Two pages of his diary registered names and residential addresses of 19 teachers as well as the name of the medical officer of Dhaka University. Of those 20 persons, 8 were missing on December 14: Munier Chowdhury (Bengali), Dr. Abul Khair (History), Ghiasuddin Ahmed (History), Rashidul Hasan (English), Dr. Faizul Mohi (IE R) and Dr. Murtaza (Medical Officer).

Mofizuddin confessed that Ashrafuzzaman himself shot all of them. As per Mofizuddin’s description, the decomposed bodies of those unfortunate teachers were recovered from the swamps of Rayer Bazar and the mass grave at Shiyal Bari at Mirpur. There were also other names in the diary including Dr. Wakil Ahmed (Bengali), Dr. Nilima Ibrahim (Bengali), Dr. Latif (IE R), Dr. Maniruzzaman (Geography), K M Saaduddin (Sociology), AMM Shahidullah (Math), Dr. Sirajul Islam (Islamic History), Dr. Akhtar Ahmed (Education), Zahirul Huq (Psychology), Ahsanul Huq (English), Serajul Islam Chowdbury (English), and Kabir Chowdhury (English).

Another page of his diary recorded the names of 16 collaborating teachers of Dhaka university. Apart from that there were also names of Chowdbury Moinuddin, the chief of operation for elimination of the intelligentsia, and Shawkat Imran, a member of the central Al-Badr command, and the head of Dhaka Al-Badr forces.

The diary also contained names and addresses of several other prominent Bengali’s. All of them lost their lives at the hands of Al-Badr forces. On a small piece of paper the name of the member finance of the Pakistan Jute Board, Abdul Khalek, was written down. On December 9, 1971, the Al-Badr forces kidnapped Mr. Khalek from his office. They demanded Taka 10,000 as ransom. They saw Mrs. Khalek for ransom money. But at that time she was unable to pay the kidnappers more than 450 taka. She promised that she would give them the rest of the money later, and begged them her husband’s life. But Mr. Khalek never came back.

Ashrafuzzaman has also been implicated in the murder of some journalists. It was Ashrafuzzaman who kidnapped the shift-in- charge of the Purbadesh, and the literary editor, Mr. Golam Mustafa.

Ashrafuzzaman Khan, was a member of the Central Committee of the Islami Chhatra Sangha. After liberation he went to Pakistan and worked for Radio Pakistan. Recently Ashrafuzzaman has moved to New York and presently heads the Queens branch of Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA)

Joe Kaufman and Beila Rabinowitz have more on what’s being called the Islamist day parade in Frontpage.

The U.A.C. counter rally parade route will begin at promptly 12:00 noon at Madison and 41st and will end at Madison and 23rd. Bring your flags and join in!

For more info contact:

Come out and support these patriots and their fine work.

2 thoughts on “Join the U.A.C. Rally Against Islamic Fascism on September 9th!

  1. Rally Against Islamofascism:
    Remembering Bloody Tuesday

    Six years have passed since the worst terrorist attack on America. It seems that most Americans do not remember what happened on September 11, 2001. We are back to business as usual. While our military is fighting the War on Terror, American consumers are financing terrorism by buying Middle Eastern oil. While a Crucifix submerged in urine is considered to be a free artistic expression and received a government grant, flushing a Koran down the toilet is prosecuted as a hate crime. While moderate Muslim groups like American Islamic Forum for Democracy and Muslims Against Sharia are virtually unheard of, terrorist fronts like CAIR and MPAC receive multi-million dollar payments from Saudi Arabia and enjoy full recognition by our government officials.

    When: September 11, 2007, 4pm-6pm
    Where: 12901 Q Street, Omaha, NE 68137
    Inquires: Omaha @

  2. Islamists Attempt to Quash Free Speech that Unmasks their Radical Agenda

    On October 14, 2007 Joe Kaufman, a chairman of American Against Hate, organized a protest against the Islamic Circle of North America. ICNA has well documented ties to Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood and should really be called the ISLAMIST Circle of North America, especially, since it openly advocates for establishment of Sharia in the United States.

    During the protest, Mr. Kaufman was served with temporary restraining order filed by Islamic Society of Arlington, Al Hedayah Islamic Center, Dar Elsalam Islamic Center, DFW Islamic Educational Center, Inc., Islamic Association of Tarrant County, Islamic Center of Irving, and Muslim American Society of Dallas.

    The TRO restraints Joe Kaufman from the following:

    – Threatening Plaintiffs in person, by telephone, or in writing to take unlawful action against any person, intending by this action to annoy or alarm Plaintiffs.
    – Intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly causing bodily injury to Plaintiffs or Plaintiffs’ associates or members.
    – Threatening Plaintiffs or Plaintiffs’ associates or members with imminent bodily injury.
    – Inciting violence against Plaintiffs, their members or associates.

    The Plaintiffs claim that Mr. Kaufman “operates a website … that tries to foment hate and anger against law abiding United States citizens who practice their religion (Islam) freely as guaranteed by the United States Constitution. … He wishes to stir up anger, resentment, bias, and hatred of peaceful, law abiding citizens, solely because of their religion. To this end, Defendant Kaufman organizes protests of all things Islamic, attempting to paint them in one broad swath as being allied with Hamas, Al Qaeda, and terrorists. … To this end, Defendant has painted the Plaintiffs as terrorists.”

    Several members of Muslims Against Sharia went through multiple statements posted on Mr. Kaufman’s website, We have not found a single instance of Islam-bashing or Muslim-bashing that the Plaintiffs are complaining about. However, we found plenty of information that link ICNA and Muslim American Society (MAS) to Islamist groups both at home and abroad.

    This is a despicable act of American Islamist establishment (which IS associated with terrorists) to quash any attempt to unmask its extremist agenda.

    Muslims Against Sharia call on every American Muslim to condemn Islamism in general and Plaintiffs in particular and voice their support for Mr. Kaufman.

    Original post

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