Iran Shelling Kurdish Territory in Iraq!

They’re apparently angry that the Kurdish Worker’s Party, a revolutionary Marxist-Leninist group, shot down an Iranian helicopter which was ferrying in weapons to Iraqi insurgents. From Gulf Daily News:

BAGHDAD: Iran is building up its troops near the Iraqi border and is shelling the remote northeast borders.

Two women were injured in the shelling in the Kurdish area of Iraq for the last three days forcing evacuation of 200 families, Hussein Ahmed, the mayor of Qal’at Dizah town close to the Iranian border said.

He said several thousand Iranian soldiers could also be seen near the border.

There was no immediate comment from Tehran or Baghdad on the reports.

Earlier, the Iranian news agency Mehr said an Iranian army helicopter which crashed near the border with northern Iraq had been engaged in a military operation against the Party of Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK), an offshoot of the PKK. Iranian media said six military personnel were killed in the crash, which happened during manoeuvres involving Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards on Friday.

With the Democratic swing to the far left, it’ll be interesting to see if they back the PPK’s right to defend themselves, or are they willing to throw their Marxist allies in Iraq to the Islamist wolves?

h/t Gateway Pundit