Olbermann Proves There isn’t a Crackpot Theory He Won’t Support if it Might Upset the Right

The theory this time is the pseudo-intellectual rip off of The Matrix that posits that there’s a 20% chance we’re living in a Sims like construct. It’s becoming a popular theory because it ultimately removes the burden of personal responsibility from its proponents. For Keith however its allure is more prosaic. It’ll piss of creationists as he so eloquently points out at the end of this clip:


That’s my criteria for accepting a theory, who it upsets. Childishness from Olbermann? Shocking.

The hack he’s talking to is the author of this book, which many shut-ins find an enlightening exposition dealing with the philosophy behind the hit movies, and most adults find to be drivel. And like the movie it’s basically of rip off of David Icke.

h/t Hot Air