Damn You, Dreamhost! (Plus, Check Out my New Site!)

Dreamhost is having some sort of issue which means little to me except that this site was down for something like 10-12 hours out of the last day and a half. Worse all the pornography I’ve strewn through the ‘net is down too!

And that’s where the money is.

Light blogging over the weekend probably, but with the panicky pronouncements by people like Douglas MacKinnon and the recent rally Jihad world rule convention attended by 70,000 people in Jakarta (that’s a lot of Jihadis) some very smart people are starting to get worried that their Democrat infested government isn’t going to keep their homes and shores safe. That got me thinking.

Why not start a survival blog? On Monday, August 20th American Survival Blog will be launched and will be your new source for all the disaster (natural and un-natural) survival tips and info you’ll ever need, including product reviews, how to guides and updates on any impending threat to your comfortable blog reading existence.

Until then enjoy some patriotic entertainment courtesy of our greatest English ally in the War on Terror: Theo Sparks
