China Confidential: Israel Scared M.A.D. Won’t Deter Iran

China Confidential is a great blog but can be, shall we say, intemperate in their analysis. Don’t let that deter you from checking in with them though or you’ll miss some thought provoking, and fear provoking, posts like this one:

Amid reports that Chinese companies have increased shipments of sensitive military technologies to Iran, some Israeli analysts have developed a chilling new argument for preemptive military action against the nuclearlizing, non-Arab nation: relative size.

The Israeli view is that Islamist Iran is simply too big–and too suicidal–for Israel to depend on the doctrine, or threat, of “mutual assured destruction” to deter Tehran from launching an all-out conventional assault on the tiny (Massachusetts-sized) Jewish state, which, though widely assumed to have a formidable nuclear arsenal, could still be destroyed with one nuclear bomb.

If true, it means that Iran has won the chess game it’s been playing with the west already. Israel is backed into a corner and basically has to start the war that will end all wars, and maybe civilization as we know it.