Some people find this sort of fantasy tedious. I think it says something about he state of our country today that so many people have gravitated to this re-imagining of the famous scene from the movie Patton. We will lose in Iraq not because our military failed, but because many on the left want us to. We will lose the middle east as a whole because the left wants us to. Latin America, Europe and Asia, we will lose ground there as well not because America can’t beat back the hordes of islamists, communists and fascists who are gaining ground in their war against freedom and liberty, but because the left won’t let us.
And someday, when we are losing in our own cities, on our own streets and on our own soil, the left will still be working against us. Someday when we are asking ourselves how it came to this, to bloody clashes in our own homes, to American being the battleground for WWIII the answer will be simple: because the left wanted it that way.
Enjoy the video:
Oh, by the way:
“And someday, when we are losing in our own cities, on our own streets and on our own soil, the left will still be working against us. Someday when we are asking ourselves how it came to this, to bloody clashes in our own homes, to American being the battleground for WWIII the answer will be simple: because the left wanted it that way.”
No. The Left will be blaming us for not having fought harder and for not having won right now!
Exactly. They’ll start asking why we didn’t invade Saudi Arabia and Jordan.