Al-Qaeda’s Ayman al Zawahiri just released a new message, this one an angry response to Pakistan’s recent stomping of a cult of hooker torturing Jihadis based in the Lal Masjid Islamic “school.” He also wasn’t happy that the leader of the Mosque was caught fleeing the carnage dressed in a burqua in what was the most disgusting display of cowardice ever caught on film. Zawahiri of course blames Pakistan’s President Musharrif for the exposure, rather than the inherent unmanliness of the average Jihadi. From Laura Mansfield:
I talk to you today on the occasion of the criminal aggression carried out by Musharraf, his army and his security organs – the Crusaders’ hunting dogs – against Lal Masjid in Islamabad, and on the occasion of the dirty, despicable crime committed by Pakistani military intelligence – at the orders of Musharraf – against Maulana Abdul Aziz Ghazi when it showed him on television in women’s dress.
This is a message of blinding clarity to the Muslims in Pakistan, the Pakistani Ulema, and indeed, the Ulema in the rest of the Islamic world, and this crime can only be washed away by repentance or blood. I call on the Ulema in Pakistan and tell them: this is what you are worth to Musharraf, and this is the treatment that awaits you in the prisons of Musharraf’s hunting dogs, and this is what you are worth to the Crusaders. Musharraf and his hunting dogs have rubbed your honor in the dirt in the service of the Crusaders and the Jews, and if you don’t retaliate for your honor, Musharraf won’t spare any of you, and won’t stop until he eradicates Islam from Pakistan. Lowly Musharraf, who has sold his honor and religion to the Crusaders and Jews, is arrogant with you in the extreme and regards you with the utmost contempt, and treats you like animals and dogs, and only is satisfied by portraying you in the lowliest and most despicable light.
This is an eloquent message [from Musharraf] to every scholar and every free and honorable person in Pakistan: that resisting Musharraf, confronting him and demanding that he adhere to Islam and refrain from worshiping the Crusaders and Jews will only get you the worst types of contempt, humiliation and degradation.
[But in fact] this is your fate if you are silent and prefer the life of this world to the hereafter. Muslims of Pakistan: your salvation is only through Jihad.
Oh yeah. Talks with Al-Qaeda could prove fruitful. That way we wouldn’t have to guess what they wanted. And they seem like they’re willing to talk out their problems…
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