Attempted Honor Killing in Pennslyvania

From NBC10:

MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP, Pa. — A Bucks County father was accused of going to extremes to break-up his daughter’s romance Police said the father and his son tried to kidnap her fiancé by beating him up and tossing him into a sport utility vehicle.

Robert Webber, of Middletown Township police, said he thought he was being dispatched to a Bucks County diner Friday night for a fight but once he got there he was in the middle of a family disagreement turned violent.

“The victim advised me that his fiancée’s family was trying to kill him, drag him into a car and take him somewhere, where he believed he was going to be killed,” Webber said.

Webber said the alleged victim told him his fiancée’s family was upset the two had moved in together.

He said there were cultural differences and that’s why 48-year-old Mohd Nasher and his son 20-year-old Mohammed Nasher were allegedly gunning for the fiancé.

“The father and son came in, grabbed our victim, pulled him outside, began choking and beating him. Drug him into the back of a Ford Explorer and that’s where they advised him that they were going to take him somewhere. He jumped out the other side window in fear for his life and as he went to run away the father told him, ‘I’m going to find you and I’m going to shoot you.’ The son went and grabbed a bat and went to chase after him,” Webber said.

Both Nashers were charged with assault and kidnapping. They both posted $20,000 cash bail and were released.

NBC 10 went to the Nashers’ Newtown home. People came to the window but didn’t answer the door.

NBC 10 left several voicemails asking for comment and when a call was returned, a woman who did not identify herself said this was not a criminal case but a family matter between them and their daughter’s boyfriend.

“It’s a little more than a family matter. Once you touch somebody or put your hands on somebody and try to harm them, that’s when we come into the situation,” Webber said.

The woman NBC 10 spoke with also said she would sue if NBC 10 did the story, saying, “That’s the problem with this country, we put everything on TV.”

The alleged victim and his girlfriend are still together and living out-of-state, NBC 10 reported.

Respect the cultures of others kids, they’re so much richer than our base American culture where killing the boyfriend of your daughter is considered newsworthy.

h/t LGF