The Cause of Anti-Americanism in Europe

An excellent CBN piece where European media watchdogs are interviewed about the constant anti-American propaganda emanating from the European media. David’s Medienkritik, whose author makes an appearance in the video, has a must read post on the report.



Should we bother engaging Europe, or leave them to their fate?

2 thoughts on “The Cause of Anti-Americanism in Europe

  1. yes, just leave us, and leave the rest of the world.

    Americans saved us from nazism? god, you came the last minute but was russia and thousands of days of previous battle. why are you people so un-educated? read history books from europe or true, genuine american sources, which they exist (I know that for a fact) and leave all this easy ideas that have been poured onto you…

  2. At the last minute? Are you retarded? America was in WWII from 1941 until it ended in 1945. America pushed Germany out of Italy, France and the rest of Western Europe while Stalin’s human wave tactics stalled, but did not defeat, the German army. If it wasn’t for American (and Canadian) forces pushing hard through Europe Hitler would have doubled down on Russia and rolled up Stalin’s forces. Hitler lost because he had a two front war and lost air superiority.

    Stalin sided with Hitler in the first phases of the war by the way, and it wasn’t until Hitler stabbed him in the back that Russia bothered to fight Nazis.

    But we’ll be leaving you alone to soon enough. Obama plans on cutting the military, so I wonder where those bases will be pulled from first? Hmmm. Good luck not freezing to death when Putin gets angry with you.

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