Ron Paul: We Should be Friends with Bin Laden!

And thus is Ron Paul’s foreign policy boiled down into it’s simplest form. If America doesn’t want to get shanked in the shower, it should be willing to toss the salad of Islamists and Communists.

Hot Air has video of this simple little man arguing for America to be the world’s bitch.

Paul’s also not a fan of Blacks and Jews which must be why articles favorable to him are so often reposted on here.

Paul makes me embarrassed to have once been a libertarian.

11 thoughts on “Ron Paul: We Should be Friends with Bin Laden!

  1. Umm, Dr. Paul is one of the most outspoken congressmen about actually going after and killing bin Laden. He simply doesn’t want to continually repeat the actions which create terrorists in the first place – like we do in Iraq every day. Iraq had no terrorists nor connections with terrorists before we got there.

    Its very well documented, by the CIA and others, that America’s occupation and involvement in middle eastern countries is the source of their antagonism against us.

  2. Umm, explain why there’s a Jihad in Buddhist Thailand, or why the Dali lama has been marked for death. If terrorism is created by occupation, tell me what country the buddhists are occupying that makes Muslims attack them?

    American “occupation” caused 9-11, eh? Where were we occupying? Kuwait when they begged us to save them from Iraqi aggression? Suadi Arabia where we were invited to stay? Lebanon which we left to fend for itself in the 8o’s thus paving the way for decades of brutal Baathist occupation? That’d be a real occupation, not the fakey occupations Paul’s talking about.

    Jihadism and Fascism are what create terrorists. A religious ideology that teaches that the only sure way to get to heaven is murder/suicide cause terrorism. Weakness on our part will encourage terrorism on theirs. Let me ask you this, so when Islamist demand that we pay tribute to them in money and slaves, as they did in Jefferson’s time, is it the policy of you and Dr. Paul to negotiate the amounts? If an American author is declared to have “offended the prophet” will you and Dr. paul then turn him or her over to Iran?

    Paul’s policy is the policy prison “bitches” follow. It’s the total capitulation to the more violent. It is appeasement.

    There is only one way to deal with Islamists, Jefferson showed us that with the Barbary pirates. Bullets and bombs are the only currency that will stop islamic expansionism, not groveling platitudes about how we can all get along.

  3. We were occupying Saudi Arabia, where our support helps prop up the oppressive regime of the Saudis. The first gulf war wasn’t a factor as much as the sanctions following it, which contributed to hundreds of thousands of deaths from starvation and lack of medical supplies in Iraq. And of course our support for Israel, which is portrayed by some as an extension of the west into the middle east.

    The jidhadists are crazy, yes. But they’ve called for Jihads before, because of our “corrupt” western values, etc. No one blew themselves up over that. Osama found a better way, and called muslims to act on what they all perceived as a great injustice: the foreign policy of America.

    From the 9/11 commission report:

    It is the story of eccentric and violent ideas sprouting in the fertile ground of political and social turmoil. It is the story of an organization poised to seize its historical moment. How did Bin Ladin—with his call for the indiscriminate killing of Americans—win thousands of followers and some degree of approval from millions more?
    The history, culture, and body of beliefs from which Bin Ladin has shaped and spread his message are largely unknown to many Americans. Seizing on symbols of Islam’s past greatness, he promises to restore pride to people who consider themselves the victims of successive foreign masters. He uses cultural and religious allusions to the holy Qur’an and some of its interpreters. He appeals to people disoriented by cyclonic change as they confront modernity and globalization. His rhetoric selectively draws from multiple sources—Islam, history, and the region’s political and economic malaise. He also stresses grievances against the United States widely shared in the Muslim world. Heinveighed against the presence of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia, the home of Islam’s holiest sites. He spoke of the suffering of the Iraqi people as a result of sanctions imposed after the Gulf War, and he protested U.S. support of Israel.”

    Michael Scheuer and other CIA employees go into more detail on these points (and others), since the report doesn’t speak about motivates very much.

    It sounds to me like America’s politicians sold its people to military adventurism, Israel, and oil, and 3,000 of them died for it.

  4. Also from the report:
    “…America is also held responsible for the governments of Muslim countries, derided by al Qaeda as “your agents.”Bin Ladin has stated flatly,“Our fight against these governments is not separate from our fight against you.”14 These charges found a ready audience among millions of Arabs and Muslims angry at the United States because of issues ranging from Iraq to Palestine to America’s support for their countries’ repressive rulers.”

  5. The 9-11 commision report was an elaborate cover by Jamie Grolnick to cover her ass. Bin Laden’s goalis a world wide caliphate, as it is the goal of Hezbollah, Iran, Fatah al-Islam the islamic courts union and a hosty of other Jihadist organizations. The military base in Suadi Arabia, which can only be considered an occupation by people willing to believe islamist occupation, is a pretext for attacking American civilians.

    But let’s for sake of arguement say that Paul gets elected, we withdraw from the middle east and Israel is wiped out without our aid. Islamist topple the arab governments and spread into Africa where all Black African Christians and Animists are killed or enslaved by janjaweed militias. European states are threatened and beg us for help, which we ignore.

    Why don’t you think there would be “blowback” from that? Why wouldn’t you assume that the few surviving Jews of the second holocaust who were able to sneak into the Americas (we wouldn’t let the refugees in so as not to upset the Muslims) risk becoming terrorists? What about Jews and Europeans and Africans whose families are being raped and murdered while we keep friendly diplomatic relations witht their rapists and murderers?

    What will you do when Muslims, indoctrinated into a conspiratorial world view where Jews run the world, demand that American citizens who are Jewish be turned over for plotting against the Arab world? Say no? Won’t that lead to terrorism?

    And what happens when thay demand we stop “exporting” our decadent culture? Will you stop exporting goods and just import? Will you ban Americans from posting things which offend Muslims on the internet? Will we ban the Satanic Verses, turn over Salman Rsuhdie to the Mullahs?

    How far are you willing to go to for peace? Will you let every Jew, African and Athiest in the world die? Will you turn in your Jewish neighboors to Bin Laden? Will you make your wife and daughter wear a Burqa?

    Will you allow Islamists and their communist allies in Latin America completly surround the U.S. and hope they’ll leave us alone because we’re “nice”?

  6. Ron supported going after Bin Laden. He said that problems are aggrevated by the US government supporting Bin Laden in the past. Your summary does not work.

    Attempts to manage the affairs of others get people upset. That is not rocket science. Your mother taught you that. Meddling in other people’s business, created an irritation and gave Bin Laden the financial and fanatical support he needed. Let me repeat: US intervention set up Bin Laden, not Ron Paul.

    Consider the future. Suppose the president doesn’t like John Howard, the Prime Minister of Australia, and sends in the CIA to make him so ill he has to retire. Is that a bad thing? Duh! It is! Even Ausies who don’t like Howard would get very upset! And so would people in New Zealand. The US government needs to stop this stuff.

  7. Bin Laden comes from a billionaire oil family. But be that as it may, your theory is that Muslim agression is caused by “meddling” so then explain the Dali Lama being sentenced to death, by Bin Laden. Was the Dali Lama “meddling” in Muslim affairs? Are the Buddhist in Thailand “meddling” in Bin Laden’s affairs?

    I am putting forward the fact that Islamic imperialism isn’t caused by anything other than the imperialistic impulse of Islamic fundamentalists. I offer as proof to both you and “G” the attacks on Buddhists, and neither of you are able to explain how that fits into your narritive of Muslims reacting to big bad American occupiers.

    Explain it Thomas, tell me how the Dali Lama “meddled” in Al-Qaeda’s affairs. Tell me what the Coptic Christians have done to provoke attacks by Muslims, or what Black Christians and Animists in southern Sudan have done that makes Arab muslims travel from all over the middle east to join militias and kill these people. The answer is nothing.

    Don’t you get it, sans America being in the middle east Islamism will still spread it’s ideology of violence and Arabic superiority all over the world, including here. People like Paul are hedging their bets that they’ll be long gone by the time Islamist groups are in Mexico lobbing Katyusha rockets into Texas, they’re hoping that the Caliphate that these groups are actively creating won’t get to our shores in his lifetime. He doesn’t care about the future. His supporters hope that if they applaud when Israel is nuked and Black Africans are exterminated they’ll be treated better by the Islamists when they finally get here.

    Show me I’m wrong. Show me the “meddling” the Dali Lama and African tribesmen were doing that justifies (and that’s what you’re doing Thomas Justifing Islamic terrorism) them being victimized. Tell me how the Buddhists and Copts and Druze have created “blowback” for themselves. Tell me why the death sentence on Salman Rushdie is right, or how indonisian maids lured to Suadi Arabia and raped and tortured by Muslims (there have been two cases of this made public this month) brought their suffering on themselves. I’m listening.

    Until you can explain why groups that haven’t “meddled” in Muslim affairs are target as vigorously, if not moreso, as the U.S. it is your theory that doesn’t work.

  8. We armed Bin Laden. We gave him his power. And it is because of us and the weapons we supplied to him that he even has the authority to issue fatwas against Buddhism.

    Without us he wouldn’t have trucks, radios, guns, computers, nuclear desaster, and anthrax resipes, he’d be another untermench, hungry and starving through a hunter-gatherer/substinance farming existance.

    Altruism to other races: it just is not nessesary. If European non-jewish Whites (who not only created the west, but are the west) did not have food we would expected to starve.

    All we are doing in Iraq is suppling the next generation of “ingrates”. Even if we “win” burned in their memory forever will be the time when they jihaded.

    The Middle East loved us when we gave them no reason to hate us, the Middle East loved us when we gave them nothing. A race is expected to stand on it’s own. Each race likes to rely on itself.

    Ron Taylor, an anti-racist republican fool, can only fall back on Ayn Rand. A foul, barren and lesbian woman who said to throw off your god and your family in persuit of the dollar.

  9. Bin Laden was a billionaire prior to fighting the USSR in Afghanistan. Nice try moron, but Bin Laden was able to purchace weapons and equipment before the CIA got in bed with him in the 80’s. In fact he built popular support for himself by going to third world countries and spreading around millions of dollars.

    If the middle east didn’t hate us proir to us giving them a reason, what happened with that whole Barbary coast issue? Why’d Muslims invade Europe?

    But even if your assine theory about Bin Laden being given power by us was true, the question is why target Buddhist if Ron Paul is right and Islamic aggression is “blowback” casued by antagonizing Muslims?

    The reason you and the rest of the white trash that support Paul won’t answer that question is becuase you knowit isn’t true. Paul is wrong, Islamists will target America because we’re not Muslims and Islamic economy and culture is based on raiding, plunder and war.

    Like the cowards you are you want to postpone the conflict for future generations, because you’re afraid. You’re afraid to be killed fighting for the western civilization you pretend to hold so dear. You’re afraid to leave the basement where you type out your screeds and join the rest of us in the real world where a suicide belt could go off at any minute.

    Yo say a race needs to stand on its own, than shouldn’t you stand up for yours?

    And by the way idiot, it’s Rob Taylor and I fall back on Ayn Rand anywhere on this blog, becuase i’m not a libertarian. It is nice to see Paul supporters exposing themselves and their real veiws though.

  10. Apparently you aren’t so quick to be over there, getting shot at, for Israel and international capitalism, celebrating “diversity” with all the gang members “free” to listen to 50 cent in the barracks, talking and laughing about “cappin” unarmed “Iraqi azz”, and raping the female company any chance they get. We aren’t “spreading freedom”. We are spreading barbarism. And the few Appalacian boys amongst them.. where were they to protect Channon Christian, where were they to protect Linsey Bonistall? “Racis bichez gots what dey dezerved.” The US Army, as attatched to degenerate American values of the Bush Administration stands violently against the biological urge toward securing future existance, they are “anti-racist”, all that’s left is a persuit of money to leave their future bastard children.

    This is a post America America, and I’m not going to fight for it. I fight for the carriers of Western Civilization, European people, my people. Fighting for another race or universalism is unnatural. People will naturally defend the hearth, for their faith, folk and family, not the abstraction of capital gains for a jews and shabbos goys. The US is in demographic collapse. More dictorial, more totaltarian, and more unconstitutional, as the breed who valued true democracy gets push aside for “democracy” as dictatorial “diversity” and “tollerance”, values of death, not life.

    It’s been a few minutes. Suicide belts have not been going off.

  11. You’re rambling but I’ll respond to a couple of your points

    A) Your not European. Even if you were from Europe, you’d be from a distinct ethnic group not “the white race”, I’d respect you more if you argued for “Irish pride” or “Slovic pride” but you argue for some abstraction about a society you don’t belong to whose ideals you don’t share. Ironically, this is a very American attitude

    B) Where were you when the Channon Christian murders were happening? Where were you when ANY crime was being committed? I am well know to police as I report any crime in my area, and intervene on occasion if nessecery. Do you? Besides repeating the tired racist nonsense that is a mainstay of prison gangs and other felons, are you helping keep America safe? Walk women home when it’s late? Watch out for the kids in your neighborhood?

    C) For someone who loves only white folk you sure use a lot of Arab and communist (supposedly anti-racists themselves) propaganda. All this raping and killing which hasn’t happened is a mainstay of Islamist and marxist propaganda. Stop riding the fence klanner. Your either with those people or against them, at least have the guts to admit it.

    D) For someone with a computer and no place to be at 1:00 in the afternoon you sure are down on money and capitalism. Capitalism has given you the ability to sit in your mothers basement and stay grotesquely overwieght while posting racist comments on various blogs. I suppose you’d rather be in a German factory building shells for the war effort all day.

    E) Finally, I’m 35 with a bad knee, even if I was so inlclined to join the military, which I’m not by the way, I’d not get in. But we have a volunteer military full of people who want to be there, I respect them but have no interest in cutting my luxurious locks, giving up my silk smoking jacket and my black truffle and braised prime rib stuffed burger from the fancy resturants I frequent or taking orders from someone. I love our service men and women, but I also love sitting at home making money. Because we live in the greatest country in the world, I get to make that decsion.

    So still no luck coming up with an answer as to why Buddhists are being targeted by Muslims, huh?

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