DailyKos Wants Violent Marxist Freed From Peruvian Prison

“Dave in MA” has a diary entry on DailyKos demanding that his left-wing cohorts turn their attention to helping free admitted Marxist terrorist Lori Berenson from the Peruvian jail she’s been languishing in since the mid 90’s. The fact that Lori is an American seems to be enough reason according to Dave to want her released. That and that Peru is a oppressive regime that didn’t give Lori a “fair” trial.

Like the fair trials her brethren in the MRTA would conduct as part of their violent armed revolution.

Lori Berenson is a rich, white “revolutionary’ who thought it would be great fun to go to another country, join up with an insurgent army and attempt to topple the government. When she is caught, other rich white “revolutionaries”, who are not against violence apparently, when committed by leftist suburbanites, decry her “unfair” imprisonment.

And why do these wealthy pseudo-socialists want her returned to America? Because she’s willing to do what most of them dream of but don’t have the courage to do? Does Dave in MA secretly wish he and his friends could form an insurgency in the suburbs of Boston? Does he relish the mayhem and death Lori Berenson would attempt to partake in should she be released from prison?

Were it a group of Libertarians or Conservatives who made their way to the Sudan to fight against the Arab militias enslaving, raping and exterminating black Africans would Dave in MA demand their release if they were detained?

Would he be as supportive of Lori if she was doing the same thing here?

I know the answer, the fact is that DailyKos is nothing more than a meeting house for wannabe radicals who’d gladly commit violence, treason and any atrocity if they could gather enough support form like minded cretin. That the site curries the favor of Democrats is troubling, but not surprising.

The Marxist insurgency in America is thankfully an electronic one, but if Dave in MA has his way maybe we’ll get to see the real thing.