San Francisco Vets for Peace Chapter Number is 69!

And their spokesman is named Cox! Ironically Mr. Cox is kind of a dick.

They’re on about something or the other, claiming the Blue Angels are weapons of mass destruction so they shouldn’t be allowed to perform at fleet week. Like I said dickish. But if they consider unarmed stunt planes WMDs, how can they not think Iraq had any?

31 thoughts on “San Francisco Vets for Peace Chapter Number is 69!

  1. Is ex-Klanner Robert Byrd a Republican or a Democrat? The Dems keep Kleagle Byrd in power, shouldn’t that tell you something.

    At least stick to the topic dick.

  2. I couldn’t care less about the Democrats, they are racist too. But not as much as the Republicans are. That’s why I think blacks should not be working for the enemy, unless they are trying to change it into a more progressive party that is truly not hostile towards minorities. If that is what you are doing, then I applaud you. Otherwise you’re a sellout.

  3. That’s asinine. Progresivism, with its focus on identity politics and built in mythology of the helplessness of the individual, especially the minority individual, creates the most racism. Why else would it be possible for me to write posts about Moveon that includes direct quotes from them about the inferiority of Black people.

    If Republicans are “the enemy” why did they force through the civil rights bill when southern dems threid to obstruct it? Why is it George Bush who has appointed more minorities to positions of power than any other President? Was Abraham Lincoln “the enemy” when he fought a war to free Blacks from slavery? He was a Republican, after all, so i guess you’re saying he was wrong.

    If you are Black (which I doubt, I’ve not seen a Black person name themselves after a Star Wars character. We’re too cool for that) than you’re the sell out, tap dancing for your White liberal friends, quoting Marx no doubt even though it was proven that he, like Progressives, thought Blacks were inferior to Whites. Your the sell out for promoting the idea that Blacks need “progressive” government, in other words a nanny state where people aren’t responsible for themselves. Your the one who wants a big White mother to take care of you the rest of your life.

    But you aren’t Black, you’re the proof of my point. Some White guy who thinks he gets to decide how Black people think. Some Some unemployed piece of White trash who’ll call a person a “sell out” because they have an opinion that you think these mythical Blacks you’re speaking for don’t share. You don’t actually know any Black people particularly well, but you know what they should think. Typical.

    If you love prgressivism so much, maybe you should read up on the American progressive movement in the 1920’s, and their attempts to put together a government mandated froced sterilization program for people considered to have low I.Q.s. This would no doubt have included Blacks, who lacked the access to good education and thus would have ended up being sterilized as a race because they couldn’t pass a progressive test. They’re program inspired Hitler’s eugenics program. And by the way it was Republicans who stopped those progressives.

    How are Republicans hostle toward minorities? By wanting to reform welfare? Bush expanded the welfare state (which I disagree with) but even if the G.O.P. wanted to ban welfare all together (which they don’t) it wouldn’t be racist because most welfare recipients are White. Is it the insistance on Law and Order? isn’t it racist to consider requiring respect for the law an attack on minorities, because you’re saying minorities are incapable of following the law? What is it exactly about the G.O.P. platform that’s hostle toward minorities? Or is this the kind of lazy propaganda that White liberals blurt out to Blacks because they think Blacks are to dumb to want evidence?

    Go back to watching your Farscape DVDs “jarjar” and remember it is anyone who agrees with your warmed over armchair Marxism that’s the sellout.

  4. And you’re joking if you think Republicans aren’t hostile towards minority Americans.

    Do I even need to point out the Republicans’ opposition to amnesty for Hispanic Americans?

  5. The minority Americans you speak of are a) not Americans and b)engaged in the ethnic cleansing of Black Americans in L.A. according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. This little fact was ignored by most progressives during the debate, I’ve blogged on it extensively.

    Amnesty wouldn’t apply to Hispanic Americans, just illegals who were exporting their culture of anti-Black racism into traditionally Black areas. By supporting them you’re supporting the genecide of your fellow Americans.

    Of course, as a progressive, you’d not be bothered by a little thing like Black genecide if it furthered the cause, right?

  6. Black genocide by whom? Unauthorised immigrants? Excuse me, but what the fuck are you talking about?

  7. The southern poverty law center released a report detailing what they call ethnic cleansing of Blacks by Latino gangs in L.A. If you looked around the blog you’ll see I mention these reports several times. Or you could go to the SPLC site and find a report called L.A. Blackout.

    Now, I know that by 10:00am you’ve got a half bottle of wild turkey in you Jeb, but let’s watch the language.

    You’re so worried about Latin American illegal immigrants getting “their rights” that you’ve never bothered to read up on why peole might be against the amnesty. Typical. Look for my post about Linda Chavez being a racist, and you’ll find my other posts about Latino gangs commiting hate crimes against Black Americans. Random crimes based soley on the Latino members not wanting Blacks in their section of town.

    Read up on it then come back to the comments and tell me who’s the racists.

  8. So, a few Latino gangs in L.A. represent what percentage of unauthorised border crossers?

  9. So a few Black people a day dying at the hands of dozens of Mexican Mafia affiliated gangs is inconsequential to the debate about exactly who does and does not get amnesty?

    I voted for Bush in 2000 because I liked his platform on legalizing aliens. I agree with it, BUT known members of MS-13, The Avenues, Latin Kings etc. all groups which take it’s marching orders from the Mexican Mafia prison gang (who are allied with the Aryan Brotherhood by the way) should not be allowed the same benefits of hard working people who come here to escape communism, poverty and anarchy.

    But the real question should be what are White liberals doing to protect Blacks from the depredations of these violent racist latino gangs? Nothing. So tell me why I should be a liberal if liberals are willing to stand by and do nothing while members of my own family are endangered?

    And your answer is that all together, Latino gang membership numbers in the tens of thousands. A small percentage of illegal aliens sure, but big enough to kill me and my family, no?

  10. How about we leave anti-immigrant hysteria out of this and you answer my question:

    So, a few Latino gangs in L.A. represent what percentage of unauthorised border crossers?

  11. Wow, jarjar. I don’t know precisely how many illegals join gangs after reaching the States, but isn’t one too many? I have a few questions for you:

    1) What percentage of illegal immigrants would have to join violent gangs for you to admit that it’s a problem?

    2) What percentage of blacks living in Los Angeles have to feel the impact of racist Mexican gang violence before you bother to feel concern?

    3) Why is it that the rights of criminals who choose to thumb their noses at American law by crossing the border illegally are more important to you than whether or not Black Americans can live without constant fear of violence and racism?

    I’d also like to point out a serious flaw in your argument that republicans are hostile to American minorities. You wrote:

    And you’re joking if you think Republicans aren’t hostile towards minority Americans.

    Do I even need to point out the Republicans’ opposition to amnesty for Hispanic Americans?

    On what planet do Hispanic Americans need amnesty? Latino Americans don’t need amnesty because whether they were born here or applied for the right to be here, the fact is that the government has sanctioned their presence in the U.S.

  12. Is your point that if there are enough illegal aliens here who aren’t members of Latino gangs to make the gang population a small percentage of illegals that the deaths of these Black Amercians becomes insignificant?

    MS-13 and the Mexican Mafia are almost entirely illegal, but is that means 5% of illegals are in those gangs that we should ignore the probelm?

    You and I will never know what percentage of illegals are affiliated with gangs, we do know how many Blacks are killed by gangs with large illegal contingents. My point is that my support for any immigratin bill is predicated on the good faith effort of the government to protect Blacks from hate crimes. Your saying that in so defending Blacks, from whom half my family is descended, I’m spreading “anti immigrant hysteria.”

    So let’s call it less than 10%. Are you saying our government can’t, and shouldn’t, come up with a mechanism to deal with that small percentage? Are you saying it’s untenable for you to see this small group of violent criminals, easily identified because of their gang tats, to be deported?

    And why doesn’t any of this give you, some white guy, the right to call Black folk sell outs when they don’t tap dance for you and your white friends? How do you get to decide one group of people just like yourself are the enemy of Blacks, but that you who don’t care at all if Blacks are being purged from their neighborhoods are in some way a friend to the Black community? You who somehow equate Black Americans with illegal aliens. Yeah, you’re not a racist.

    There are two parties in this country, and only one will let me shoot Klanners who try to burn crosses on my lawn while keeping my taxes low. That’s the one I vote for.

    And by the way, how is your first comment here not hysterical.

  13. If the costs of unauthorized immigrants outweighed the benefits — economically, socially, and practically — then I would be dead set against the bill. But the case simply boils down to this: migrant workers are filling jobs regular Americans will not do. And it is still laughable that we are using migrant workers as scapegoats for gangs. Last I checked, domestic black-dominated gangs are a far bigger problem than migrant-borne ones.

    I guess we should deport all the blacks back to Africa, right?

  14. Bullshit. How can you deport Blacks “back to Africa” when they were born here? They’re Americans. Most Blacks have been here for hundreds of years, my own family has been here since the 1700’s. Moron.

    Statisically most crime committed by Black dominated gangs is Black on Black. As Americans any criminal of any race should be prosecuted in the American justice system. But foreign nationals should face the further punishment of deportation, Latino or otherwise, if they break American law.

    And certainly if the crime is a violent felony, one that gets classified as a hate crime, right?

    Your saying that crimes committed by Black gangs are more serious so a report by a PRO IMMAGRANT rights group like the SPLC about hate crimes by Latino gangs shouldn’t matter? Many of the victims weren’t even in gangs.

    The illegals don’t do jobs Americans won’t, what they do is do that job below legal minimum wage. They work for less than what it is legal to pay a person. The employers who use them are taking advantage of them, are you for that?

    Why don’t you just come out and say that you don’t like Black people, especially ones with the temerity to disagree with you, some white guy on the dole no doubt who jerks himself off while trolling boards vomiting out his racism and ignorance.

    So when you stop admiring your Klan robes, why don’t you focus on the real point. What gives some unemployed cracker the right to tell me I’m a sell out for not parroting white people?

  15. So What? How does this explain where you get the gall to decide what makes a Black man a sell out. Why should Blacks accept your definiton of who “the enemy” is when you excuse hate crimes against Blacks by arguing that because the perpetrators only number in the few thousands it isn’t an issue?

    Why not answer these questions before trying to stat some conversation on wage laws.

  16. What hate crimes against blacks have I excused? I am a liberal and am thus for more hate crime laws. It is blacks’ enemies that are against hate crime laws that protect blacks and other minorities.

  17. Your against taking rational steps to stop race based attacks on Black Americans by gangs who have exported the racist violence of Latin America here. By claiming that illegals in gangs are a small percentage of illegals thus hate crimes against Blacks by these gangs are not a factor in the immigration debate you’re basically saying “It’s not so bad.” This is excusing hate crimes.

    If you’ve read this site you’ll know that I’ve called for the deportation of all known gang members here illegally. This would cut down on the ammount of attacks on Blacks by The Avenues, Mexican Mafia et al. Your comments indicate you’d be against this, so which is it. Hard on race based hate crimes or not?

    If your serious about “protecting” Blacks (bang up job by the way my White friend) you’d be concerned about what the SPLC, a fellow leiberal organization, says is the attempt by Latino gangs to ethnically cleanse L.A., but you aren’t. Hmmm.

    And again, why is it appropriate for some White guy to decide who is and isn’t my “enemy?” Shouldn’t I make that call? Or are you saying you need to decide for me, because your white and know better.

    Aren’t you being paternalistic? Isn’t it racist? Why won’t you answer that question? Why don’t you have the balls to admit your a bigot? A filthy Klanner who thinks Blacks need his enlightened wisdom. The same wisdom that left you with free time at 3:50pm, 11:00am, Midnight, Noon…

  18. Give me numbers. Conservatives are supposed to deal in statistics and rationality, not emotionalism and hyperbole. Then again, most of you are Christians…but I’ll leave that topic alone for now. 🙂

    So yeah. Give me numbers. What percentage of undocumented migrants are part of this much-ballyhooed ethnic cleansing gang?

  19. What the hell difference does that make? If it’s small enough you’ll shrug your shoulders and say “sounds like a good trade off”, why not go to the SPLC or the L.A. crime stats and see for yourself. Do your own math since you’ve got no where to be which is why your trolling a blog at 1:30 in the morning.

    But this, as you “liberals” like to say, is a strawman. Your a piece of white trash who came to my sight and called ne a sell out to Black people, explain why that’s in any way acceptable. Explain why you not as big a P.O.S. as David Duke and Robert Byrd. And your asinine “I’m a liberal” nonsense doesn’t cut it because a real liberal, of which there are few, respects individuals and their opinions. Your some lefty/klanner troll.

    Engage your fellow racists on DailyKos or DU the next time you’re feeling lonely at 1:30am.. If you want to learn about the Latino on Black violence in L.A. look it up since you have so much free time. There are 3 or 4 posts on this site if you bothered to look around. But don’t disrespect me and then ask me to explain myself, bitch, you explain why some cracker smoking meth in his mother’s basement gets to decide who is or isn’t “the enemy” of Black Americans.

  20. I guess you’re not going to tell me what percentage of undocumented migrants are criminals. I guess you don’t really have a problem with it, otherwise, you would be rushing to give me links, facts and stats.

    You’re not only a sellout, but a useful idiot as well. Congrats.

  21. I guess you’ll ignore the fact that your a racist demanding a Black guy fetch you something that is easily got on your own.

    As I’ve stated before, because no one would know how many undocumented aliens are in the country, the percentage of that unkown number is a guess at best.

    But that’s the point isn’t it? You can”t defend your racism so you mae this a game of “gotcha” to make yourself feel superior. Oh but wait you already feel superior to me and all Black people, you just need to save face in front of your “liberal” friends by making this about something else.

    Why are you “selling out” and not explaining why if there was some accurate percentage I can throw out it would change the importance of the Southern Poverty Law center’s report?

  22. Still no numbers. Hmm. That says a lot about your true feelings on the matter of undocumented migration. It also says to me that you will not present numbers because the fact is that the percentage of undocumented migrants who are criminals is miniscule.

    Presenting this fact would turn your argument upon its head.

  23. What happens more often: undocumented migrant Latino on Black crime, or Black on Black crime?

    You guys should get your own house in order before you point the finger at a miniscule fraction of millions of people.

  24. So, your saying that the SPLC report about ethnic cleansing is meaningless, Blacks are violent animals but as a liberal your NOT a racist?

    So what is this minicule fraction anyway, since you know it so well? What’s the percentage? Or will you need a Black person to go fetch that for you?

    And again, you’ll not answer the question of your original post. What gives you the right to determine for other races what is or is not “selling out”? And if your attitude about an important story like the largest most influential Lation gang in the prison sytem telling the dozens of gangs affiliated with them that they not only can kill any Black person, including the 12 and 14 year old girls the stories feature, but should do so that they can have Latino only areas of the city they control?

    Aren’t you the enemy here?

  25. Well you’re clearly selling out if you’re putting your self out there for white conservatives to use as a puppet to sell an anti-immigrant, hostile-to-minorities agenda. We only need to look at yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling against school desegregation as evidence.

    Anyways. This is about immigrants and what percentage of them is criminal. For someone who claims to care about the issue, you don’t seem to have any numbers regarding that.

  26. No this is about white trash deciding they know what’s best for Blacks. The percentage of a unknown number (the number of illegal aliens in America) who are part of gangs is a strawman. But the numbers that are important (and readily available) you ignore. There are about 10,000 members of MS-13 known to be in the U.S., but have a world wide membership of 700,000. Any of the 690,000 membersnot account for by the gang census may or may not be in America, on the borders of America or actively crossing in and out America.

    So what?

    Your saying that if I as a Black person doesn’t feel obliged to ally myself to Mexicans who kill Black people, because of we’re both catagorized as minorites by whites, I’m selling out. The reality is that you hate Blacks, which is why their murders mean nothing to you, so siding with you would be selling out. Right?

    The supreme court ruling says race shouldn’t be a factor in determining which schools a person can go to. This means that Blacks and Latinos can refuse to go to the ghettoized white run schools in the inner cities where drop out rates are at 50% in many case. This is good fro Blacks, bad for white “liberals” who want Blacks dumb and dependent. I’m all for it.

    So when will you get around to answer why some cracker gets to decide what is and isn’t good for Blacks?

  27. I’ll answer that when you tell me what percentage of undocumented immigrants are criminals.

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