Malkin Evening Gown Linkbait (and Fashion Critique)

Her new Vent, now in ifilm format (nerd alert) is a Oscar satire. As is the case when Malkin and crew are heavily invested emotionally in an issue it seems light on the satire and heavy on the kicking of Bush and his cronies when they’re down. But it isn’t a bad way to spend almost ten minutes of your life.

She’s frankly a little more gracious than Linda Chavez, who’s now apologizing for calling Republicans who were against the immigration bill racists in a piece that strongly implies Republicans are indeed racists.

Laura Ingraham gets a nod from Malkin, as usual. Is there a girl crush between the two? is it wrong that I hope there is? Should I have an auxiliary gossip blog for such speculation?

Now as for the dress, I liked it but she could have been more daring. She’s tiny so she could have went couture as designers love petite celebs to drape their dress on. She was feminine but could have gone sexier with either more skin or a tighter fit.

I also think the jewelry was too understated for the camera, her dress was a little plain to go with a necklace that was so small, and since she was working with her hands a nice ring or bracelet would have would have worked well. Something bold like like Alex Soldier or maybe she should have went neo-Victorian. or even something fun and gothic like Alchemy.
She did look lovely however.

On a linkbait scale of one to ten, with Malkin in a cheerleader outfit being a ten, I give this a solid seven. In terms of of the debate on immigration, a little much.

I should talk though.

One thought on “Malkin Evening Gown Linkbait (and Fashion Critique)

  1. Now all you need are a couple of fag hags to back you up, and you’ll be well on your way to having your very own “fashion dos and don’ts” prime time special on E!

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