Wisconsin Businesses Targeted as Leftists Lose Control of Their Protesters

The Wisconsin chaos isn’t winding down at all but may be getting worse as random protesters are committing crimes for the cause, supposedly without the knowledge of rally organizers. While I don’t quite believe that narrative if it is true it means violence has become much more likely.

From 620 WTMJ:

TODAY’S TMJ4’s Diane Pathieu confirmed that doors at Chapman, Curtin, Mellencamp, Mitchell and Sabin Halls all had doors with superglue in the locks on Monday.

She said those doors were opened before 7:30 a.m. Monday morning.  No classes were affected.

Newsradio 620 WTMJ’s Jodi Becker confirmed that the doors to the Sendik’s on Downer Avenue were also glued shut.

UWM campus police believed it was a sign of protest, but organizers of a campus rally later Monday afternoon say they didn’t have anything to do with it.

College students are angry over what the bill may mean for them, and they are making their thoughts known in protests.

They were to hold a rally on Monday afternoon in reaction to Walker’s budget, which would split UWM and UW-Madison from the UW system.

The group organizing the rally said they want to preserve the UW system, secure funding for education and keep bargaining rights for labor unions.

They believe the budget will dramatically cut funding to schools and make things difficult for students to compete in the job market.

“Flexibility to us means that you’re firing our staff that are valuable to us, that provide the quality of education that we need,” protest organizer Omer Farooque told Pathieu.

Protesting budget cuts at a college by destroying college property is just the kind of asinine lack of forethought I expect from a college kid (no offense) but if the organizers of the rally were really unaware of this level of damage being done in their name it seems to me that they are not organizers at all but bystanders. Angry crowds with no direction and control are perhaps more dangerous then the angry mobs directed by these arm chair communists.

The Sendik’s mentioned has been targeted due to political contributions the owners made. From the Whitefish Bay Patch:

Despite threats of a boycott of Shorewood’s Sendik’s, store owner Anne Nehring said she hasn’t seen much backlash from shoppers- just support.

Two customers came in and told co-owner John Nehring, they were organizing a boycott of the store at 4027 N. Oakland Av.

She added John told them to get out of the store before they would give him a reason for the threatened boycott.

However, on Saturday, an e-mail surfaced threatening a boycott of Shorewood’s Sendik’s, citing the owner’s support of Milwaukee County Executive candidate Jeff Stone and that couple has been “giving funds to union-busters.” Stone voted in favor of the governor’s budget repair bill.

“I care very much about the community and the employees because they are my family,” Anne Nehring said. “People have told me they won’t stop shopping here.”

She said other customers say they drove out of their way to support the Shorewood location, which the Nehrings independently own. She added she is hurt by the threats coming from Shorewood residents, and their support of Gov. Scott Walker or Stone was done as individuals and not as the owners of Sendik’s.

“I should be able to do that, as an individual, without being punished,” she said of her support of the Republican party.

Another Sendik’s, 2643 N. Downer Ave., wasn’t so lucky, as the doors to the grocer were Superglued shut Monday. Anne Nehring said there hasn’t been any vandalism of her store.

The e-mail, first reported by 620 WTMJ’s Charlie Sykes, was reportedly sent from one David Weingrod, with an Milwaukee Area Technical College e-mail address, to apparent union representatives at the college and says that the grocer may face a boycott if the owners continue to support Stone.

“Please go to the Shorewood manager this weekend and tell him he needs to tell John Nehring that he either pulls his support from Jeff Stone or we will have a serious boycott of Shorewood,” the e-mail said.

Understand that boycotting these stores does nothing to further the goals of the union. This is just the left looking to destroy the livelihood of people they disagree with.

Which is why if you donate to campaigns you need to be ready to pay the price during periods of civil unrest. Frankly it’s only a matter of time until the “protesters” escalate to violence. There’s a Facebook page for the boycotters and reading through the posts you can see how unhinged many are. Here’s an example – thugs vandalized a bank that they had mistakenly thought supported Governor Walker. Turns out the bank supported no one. The answer to this revelation comes from communist goon Michael Flores who posted this nugget of wisdom:

Keep up the good work, news 15 just did a newscast on how M&I is not pro Walker, yet many of their employees are. Some people thought it would not affect them I guess we are all connected after all.

In other words all it takes for Michael and company to try to destroy your business is for you to have an employee or two who disagrees with them ideologically. If you think he’s an anomaly you’re kidding yourself.

Meanwhile the media is still ignoring the arrest of a union supporting goonette who confessed to making death threats against Republican, thugs videotaping the license plates of Scott Walker supporters, Wisconsin lawmakers having to skip public appearances due to credible death threats, Leftist terrorizing a female state senator’s at her private home and of course the Wisconsin Tea Party leader needing police protection due to death threats.

It’s easy to assume that this is all organized but the truth is that while the left approves of this they have already lost control of the crowds. People in Wisconsin – and in the next few months I’m betting most of the blue states – are going to need to make a decision. Stay and be targeted by leftist mobs or flee. Business owners can hope that things in Wisconsin will return to normal, but when their boycott doesn’t work firebombs will be next. The person videotaping plate numbers is planning on killing you. These protesters want to kill you. Wisconsin is gone, Maryland is next and any Republican or Conservative not shutting down their business and moving to a “red state” is gambling with his or her family and their well being.

Leave now and let Wisconsin collapse without it’s producers.