Zombie Apocalypse Begins – Euthanized Puppy Rises From Dead in Oklahoma City

The above picture – complete with glowing blue eyes – is the untouched photo of Wall-E the zombie dog. He was “put to sleep” on Saturday and came back to life on Sunday. Though infested with hookworms (which is why they put him down) he’s completely healthy after being dead for a day. This is how it starts people:

SULPHUR, Oklahoma — He was euthanized, declared dead and left in a dumpster, but somehow a three-month-old puppy is alive and now has whole new future ahead of him.

Wall-e, along with the rest of his litter, was left outside the Sulphur dog shelter. He and his littermates were put to sleep because they appeared to be very sick. The vet checked their pulse and declared every one dead. But the next morning, Animal Control Officer Scott Prall looked in the dumpster and saw Wall-e wandering around.

“He was just as healthy as could be,” Prall said, who added Wall-e was named after the Pixar robot who was the last of his kind.

Local vet Amanda Kloski, from the Arbuckle Veterinary Clinic, took him in. After a Pennsylvania woman heard his story and put it on Facebook, the veterinary clinic was inundated with calls from all over the U.S. and even Canada of people wanting to adopt Wall-e.

“He needs a really special home because he’s really special,” Kloski said.

Yeah, special. Like maybe members of Zombie Squad?

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