Cannibal Jihad?

14 year old Charlene Downs disappeared in 2003. Four years later the Internet is abuzz with rumors of sex, murder and cannibalism involving two Muslim fast food shop owners. The case is being prosecuted now, but the question now isn’t just what happened to Charlene, but what’s happening in England? Here are the facts of the case we know.

-The child was one of a number of underage girls who frequented the back alleys of Blackpool fast food shops to meet with much older Muslim men.

-One of the suspects was overheard bragging about both sex with the victim and using her body to make kabobs which were later sold to the public.

-The story is so horrific the media is being purposefully sparse with the details, but some bloggers have gathered enough details to make your stomach churn.

Most cannibal serial killers work alone, these men worked together and may not have cannibalized the girl themselves, but may have served her to others. All were from Islamic countries and all are, we assume, fairly radical. They treated this child like a piece of meat both in life and then, more horrifically, in death. This is the most evil thing I’ve ever read.

LionHeart agrees. Strongly.

But what about this subculture of teen and pre-teen girls trolling for sex? How can this go on in a city without the authorities knowing? Where the hell are the parents of these girls?

Is this an isolated incident, or are we going to discover that more missing people turn up butchered by a subculture that considers non-Muslims animals? Does the radical Wahhabist teaching that claims we non-believers are little better than animals lead to barbarity of this nature and evil on this scale?

This is something we should all keep an eye on.

2 thoughts on “Cannibal Jihad?

  1. I frankly think they don’t. I was reading up on the middle east prior to Islam and the Pagan tribes they so despised produced all the beauty and art forms Muslims take credit for. Seemingly the only thing Islam has given the world is an army of living zombies who seek to devour the rest of us.

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