U.S. Strikes Al-Qaeda in Somalia!

Fox is reporting it’s payback for the embassy bombings in Kenya in the late ’90’s. Let’s hope it was a success.

UPDATE: Fox reports that a navy destroyer bombarded a remote village where Islamic militants were holed up:

The attack from a U.S. destroyer took place late Friday, said Muse Gelle, the regional governor. The extremists had arrived Wednesday by speedboat at the port town of Bargal.

Gelle said the area is a dense thicket, making it difficult for security forces from the semiautonomous republic of Puntland to intervene on its own.

A local radio station quoted Puntland’s leader, Ade Muse, as saying that his forces had battled with the extremists for hours before the U.S. ships arrived and used their cannons. Muse said five of his troops were wounded, but that he had no information about casualties among the extremists.

Militants have been trying to regain ground since being ousted by Ethiopian military a few months ago.