Leftists in Virgina Attack Libertarians Minding their Business

Cops allow two Tom Periello supporters assault a bunch of Libertarians who were trying to hold a rally. Need I remind you to barricade yourself indoors after the election results are in:

If you go to the page for the YouTube video you can see that Periello supporters have come in force to claim there is nothing wrong with this. Think about that for a second.

2 thoughts on “Leftists in Virgina Attack Libertarians Minding their Business

  1. You should also check out how a nurses’ union protested Meg Whitman doing some last minute protesting along with also Jerry Brown’s campaign and the Californian Democratic Party promoting an ad that makes an obvious claim of how Meg Whitman benefitted from the bailouts via Goldman Sachs.

    Never you mind that Goldman Sachs was also bailed out by Barack Obama who claims how the bailouts “saved” the economy. Yet his people on the ground in California claim Meg Whitman committed allege insider trading. What hypocrites.

    Oh…and there are also allege allegations of Armenian publications encouraging Armenian-Americans in California to vote for Jerry Brown. Funny how they describe Meg Whitman is buying out California…even when it’s obvious Jerry Brown is the one doing it!

  2. Just another example of people who don’t understand democracy. This is how juntas form. Roving bands of thugs intimidating people. Unfortunately this is starting to become the norm.

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