70% of Insurgents in Iraq are Foreign Fighters Sneaking in with Help from Syria!

From JPost:

Seventy percent of insurgents fighting in Iraq come from Gulf countries via Syria where they are provided with forged passports, an Iraqi intelligence officer alleged in a published report Wednesday.

“They, according to their own confessions, gather in mosques in the said (Gulf) states to travel to Syria using their passports, taking with them phone numbers of individuals waiting for them there,” Brig. Gen. Rashid Fleih, the assistant undersecretary for intelligence of Iraq’s Interior Ministry, told Kuwait’s Al-Qabas daily in an interview.

Fleih did not provide more specific details about the alleged insurgents or which countries they come from. But he said once in Syria, the alleged insurgents are transported to the al-Qaim border area. Individuals provide the men them with new passports after destroying the old ones, Fleih alleged in an interview from Baghdad.

Once in Iraq, the insurgents are provided with forged Iraqi documentation and “lots of money which they use to buy cars and booby trap them,” Fleih told the newspaper.

h/t Gateway Pundit