Ron Paul Losing Support in his District

From The Galveston County Daily News:

Friendswood City Councilman Chris Peden is another potential challenger for Paul.

Peden announced last month he formed an exploratory committee for the seat.

Since then, he said he’s been hitting the campaign trail, visiting meetings across the district and going up to the Capitol last week.

“I’ve been working hard,” he said. “Ron Paul is just making my work easier for me.”

Peden said he formed the exploratory committee because he didn’t think Paul’s values matched those of Republican voters.

“This latest thing is just another example,” he said. “I’ve been all over this district. I’ve spoken to over 200 people who are strong Republican primary voters. Not one of those people shares his point of view on the war on Iraq.”

Read the full article, his supporters are in full spin mode which has Eric Dondero feeling frisky enough to write this challenge to the Ron Paul world view sure to get him more hate mail than he can handle. Ultimately however Paul supporters will have to deal with this question sans name calling: If Radical Muslim violence is just blowback from American foreign policy, why the attacks in France? Why Sudan? Why is the Dali Lama a target?

I suppose it’s all “blowback” from Buddhist imperialism and southern Sudanese military intervention into the middle east

2 thoughts on “Ron Paul Losing Support in his District

  1. If the wars in the Middle East are just blowback from 9/11, why are we at war with Iraq? Because fools don’t always make fine distinctions. Just as we decided that anybody who preyed five times a day was fair game for retribution after 9/11, they seem to have decided that anybody who does not is fair game for retribution for our retribution.

    This is not to say that Islam is not a hateful thing. Nearly all religion is based on the idea that God hates everybody except us. But people who are not under attack are not normally willing to die to prove it. If we stop intervening in the Middle East (except in self defense, Afghanistan is a perfectly acceptable defensive war), perhaps the Islamist nuts there will become as harmless as the religious right is here: still a threat, but one that can be handled through the criminal justice system when one of their wackos kills a doctor or blows up a Federal building.

  2. If that’s true, explain the Jihad against the Dali Lama. Or Buddhism in general. Ron Paul doesn’t know what he’s talking about, it is Islam which has an imperial desire for WORLD domination. If we don’t stop them there, in the middle east, we’ll be fighting them here in our cities the way the Buddhists in Thailand are.

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