It’s official, all Wahhabi Muslims are at war with the west. The new leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, which has infiltrated and controls most of the Mosques in America, announced today a war against Zionism, America and the West. Here’s some snippets of the declaration:
“According to the Islamic shari’a that Allah [has bequeathed] to mankind, the status of the Muslims, compared to that of the infidel nations that arrogantly [disdain] his shari’a, is measured in a kind of scale, in which, when one side is in a state of superiority, the other is in a state of inferiority…
“Many Arab and Muslim regimes have not managed to build up their peoples, due to their weakness and their dependence [on the West], and in many cases they have begun to work against the interests of the [Muslim] nation… The lands of the Arabs and of Islam are now plagued with problems because [the Arabs] have lost their [strength of] will, leaving it to the Zionist enemies and their supporters. [The Arab and Muslim regimes] have forgotten, or are pretending to have forgotten, that the real enemy lying in wait for them is the Zionist entity. They are aiming their weapons against their own peoples, while avoiding any confrontation with these Zionists and achieving neither unity nor revival for their nations. Moreover, they are disregarding Allah’s commandment to wage jihad for His sake with [their] money and [their] lives, so that Allah’s word will reign supreme and the infidels’ word will be inferior…
“Today the Muslims desperately need a mentality of honor and means of power [that will enable them] to confront global Zionism. [This movement] knows nothing but the language of force, so [the Muslims] must meet iron with iron, and winds with [even more powerful] storms. They crucially need to understand that the improvement and change that the [Muslim] nation seeks can only be attained through jihad and sacrifice and by raising a jihadi generation that pursues death just as the enemies pursue life.”
“Resistance is the only solution. The stage of indirect negotiations [between the Palestinians and Israel] ended without the Palestinians gaining anything, and without the Palestinian negotiators taking a lesson from it. And now the PA, which has resumed its talks with the Zionists, is about to gasp out its last breaths at the table of direct negotiations. [At the same time], on the anniversary of the second intifada, the Palestinians are preparing the third intifada, and we see this people, in the West Bank and Gaza, seething [in anger] against the Zionists and their supporters, like a cauldron [of boiling water].
“The U.S. cannot impose an agreement upon the Palestinians, despite all the means and power at its disposal. [Today] it is withdrawing from Iraq, defeated and wounded, and it is also on the verge of withdrawing from Afghanistan. [All] its warplanes, missiles and modern military technology were defeated by the will of the peoples, as long as [these peoples] insisted on resistance – and the wars of Lebanon and Gaza, which were not so long ago, [are proof of this].
“Resistance is the only solution against the Zio-American arrogance and tyranny, and all we need is for the Arab and Muslim peoples to stand behind it and support it. The peoples know well who is [carrying out] resistance and who has sold out the [Palestinian] cause and bargained over it. We say to our brothers the mujahideen in Gaza: be patient, persist in [your jihad], and know that Allah is with you…”
“The Soviet Union fell dramatically, but the factors that will lead to the collapse of the U.S. are much more powerful than those that led to the collapse of the Soviet empire – for a nation that does not champion moral and human values cannot lead humanity, and its wealth will not avail it once Allah has had His say, as happened with [powerful] nations in the past. The U.S. is now experiencing the beginning of its end, and is heading towards its demise…
I guess the idea of Islamists being a fifth column waiting for the opportunity to carve out a kingdom in our country isn’t just Islamophobic paranoia. Are you prepared?
h/t Newsreal Blog
It seems that all of those whom are opposed to the wars in the Middle East are the obvious Useful Idiots for the Muslim Brotherhood. I believe they were engaged in helping the 9/11 attackers whether they had bases in Saudi Arabia, Iran or both helping the 9/11 terrorists.
Both the Saudis and the Iranians have been funneling money to Jihad causes in the Balkans, Chechnya, Pakistan, Kashmir and Xinjiang. And now Turkey is overtly helping them as well. I believe they wanted to draw the USA into quagmire wars so that they’d weaken the USA.
Getting the American people to elect leaders like Obama or Ron Paul only helps them in the end…
Only someone utterly ignorant of what the Muslim Brotherhood stands for could possible think they are our friends. The group’s ultimate goal is the establishment of a world wide Islamic caliphate and that news for anyone who values individual rights, such as freedom of religion or freedom of conscious, or the rights of women and gay people.
Sorry, I meant to say,
“Only someone utterly ignorant of what the Muslim Brotherhood stands for could possible think they are our friends. The group’s ultimate goal is the establishment of a world wide Islamic caliphate and that’s bad news for anyone who values individual rights, including freedom of religion or freedom of conscious. Not to mention the rights of women and gay people.”
You mean like Tim McVeigh is evidence that Christianity is afifth column too?
McVeigh was a neo-Nazi who adhered to the theme of the Turner Diairies. He was allegedly helped out by Saddam Hussein, and also his partner-in-crime Terry Nicols traveled to the Philippines to allegedly work with al-Qaeda terrorists there.
Honestly…people on the left like to attack religious extremists but only if they are Christians…if they are of another faith like Islam they label their critics “Islamophobes”. What a bunch of self-promoters for self-defeat and self-suicide. Just because one extremist overtly says something just as much as the other extremist does over what they believe they are doing their duty to their religion doesn’t give them the right to ignore that religious extremist.
Because the Muslim Brotherhood is just happens to be Muslim the Left ignores it and even provides their talking points member from time to time. But when it comes to religious extremists who happen to be Christians they are the first hypocrites to wail about it.
Don’t lecture me about religious extremists when you ignore another just because they happen to be part of the Islamic faith.
What you’re saying about the Left and Islam is largely the case, unfortunately. Muslim fundamentalists have done a lot of really scary things, that the left tends to ignore, but if A Christian fundamentalists did the same thing, those same leftists would be in a uproar and some cases rightfully so.
I wonder how these hypocrites would feel if they were labeled as “Christianphobes” for citing Christian extremists the same way they like to do it when they defend religious radicals whom happen to be members of the Islamic faith.