Don’t Be Too Hard on Sarkozy

There’s some concern on the right about Sarkozy’s appointments to his cabinet, specifically his appointment of anti-American socialists like Hubert Vedrine to key political positions which, some are saying, would seem to indicate a swing away from his pro-U.S. stance. But this isn’t necessarily the case. Remember, there are riots in France by the far left who have shown that they are willing to use violence against the state to change the outcome of the elections. The rioters are a combination of Islamists and young Marxists, and Sarkozy needs to keep the situation in France from devolving into a civil war between them and his supporters who are mainly center right (for now) with a lot of leftists and moderates fed up with the decline of France.

Sarkozy needs to do two things to get control over France so that his reforms can be instituted. The first is to draw support from the “revolutionaries” by showing them that the left still has a voice in politics. While “reaching across the isle” may backfire in many ways, not the least of which is to convince Marxists that violence is the answer to gaining concessions, it may also stop more people from joining the violent protest movement if they see that their interests are represented in the government they’re trying to overthrow.

The second step is to crack some heads, so thinning out the herd of leftists first is a good idea. The youth in France need to learn that rampaging through the streets every time they feel slighted is actually a big part of what keeps them and their nation from being a serious player on the world stage. But truth be known, kids that fall in with pseudo cults like communism aren’t convinced by essays and speeches, but by spending a little time in the cooler. Sarkozy’s olive branch will soothe some of the more rational rioters, and be a good cover for a new crack down. An added benefit will be to drive a wedge between leftist factions, as those in power in Sarkozy’s government tacitly approve of the “abuse” of their fellow Marxists. If Sarkozy plays his cards right he may be able to divide the left in France into two camps, moderate leftists who obey the laws and violent radicals. That will make things easier on the police, and ultimately France.

So let’s not be too hard on Sarkozy just yet – he’s playing well with a pretty bad hand. I say let’s give him some time to see if his bluff works.