Worried about genetically modified foods contaminating their precious organic beet supply several green groups filed a lawsuit aimed at ending the use of modified crops by sugar beat farmers. Now a judge has sided with the groups and halted the planting of genetically modified crops. The consequences? Since sugar beets are the main source of U.S. made sugar not only will there be sugar shortages, but all foods that use sugar will inflate in price:
Genetically modified seeds make up 95 percent of the seeds used in growing sugar beets, because they’re resistant to roundup and are cheaper to grow. But the judge found that windblown pollen from the genetically altered beets could contaminate crops in adjoining fields, like organic crops. People in the industry say, while the decision doesn’t affect this year’s beets, it creates a problem for 2011.
“We are in a little bit of a conundrum. We don’t have enough seed to plant a full crop, with conventional seeds next year,” said Duane Grant, Chairman of Snake River Sugar Company.
APHIS, or the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, must complete an environmental impact study before any more genetically engineered seeds can be planted. Grant says he would like that study completed soon because his farmers are working with a deadline.
“Our growers are making planting decisions for next year this fall. We typically order our sugar beet seed in December, and so we’re under a pretty tight timeline,” said Grant.
Putnam says growers in the Gem State can just plant other crops, but sugar beets are the most lucrative. He also said Idaho sugar processors could be in the most trouble, without anything to process until a decision comes down.
“What will they do? Can they sit idle for a year? We don’t know,” said Putnam.
And the biggest impact could be on consumers, considering 50 percent of the nation’s sugar supply comes from beets.
“That is a huge hunk of sugar. When you take beets out of the equation, then we start running into shortages. We’ll start running into problems. And I think we’ll start to see food prices increase,” said Putnam.
APHIS may adopt interim measures that allow planting of genetically modified sugar beets in 2011. But that would need to happen in a matter of months to give farmers time to plan for next year.
And the chances of the government moving quickly to help these farmers and the sugar industry are slim to none. It’s time to start stockpiling sugar. Right now you can even buy a six pack of 64-ounce canisters for less than $30 online. In a few years, you’ll be lucky to pay $30 for a bag of sugar in your local grocery.