Communist Shill Michael Moore’s Trip to Cuba Under Investigation!

Good. It’s about time the government started cracking down on celebrities and activists who end up in Cuba, often while money mysteriously disappears from charities and non-profits. To make matters worse, for years Moore and his far left allies have been visiting Cuba under the guise of activism, though they refuse to get involved in protesting the atrocities inside their Marxist playground, and propping up a regime that would have otherwise collapsed with their illegal activities.

Moore traveled to Cuba this time to film scenes for his anti-U.S. pro-Castro film SICKO, though I suspect that if one searched the right bank records you’ll find that Moore, like Code Pink and Cindy Sheehan, are little more than mules running money to the Communist regime sent from Castro supporting radicals in America. The problem is you need permission to go to Cuba, and Moore didn’t wait around to get his. The left will say that this proves Moore’s a rebel, I say it’s just another example of rich white trash thinking that money and notoriety entitle them to special treatment.

Western Hemisphere Policy Watch called out Moore on his trip weeks ago, and are rightfully ecstatic that Moore is being held to account, but is uncomfortable with other Cuba related actions the American government seems to be taking. Are we about to start “engaging” Cuba? If so why hit Moore now for something that may not be illegal in a couple of years?

Michelle Malkin is on it, including linking to his online statement about the probe. I won’t link to his site, so follow hers if you want to see it.

Babalu Blog has the Cuban perspective, one rich white “communists” often fail to consider when shilling for a tin pot dictator who destroyed a once vibrant nation.

I hope Moore goes to the joint. Here’s a story Moore won’t tell you about Castro that illustrates just how much he cares for the health of the Cuban people – JFK’s Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara talking about a 1990’s era meeting with Castro he had. McNamara was a player in the Cuban missile crisis:


3 thoughts on “Communist Shill Michael Moore’s Trip to Cuba Under Investigation!

  1. Pingback: Fidel latest to say Cuba's communism doesn't work

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