Pat Buchanan has long been the bane of Conservatism, presenting a caricature of the right that the MSM is always too happy to give airtime because it paints us as borderline racist cranks who’d be happier adopting the failed isolationist policies that led to WWII than ensuring the security of America by stopping threats to us before they invade our shores.
Or bomb our ports.
Of course a big part of Buchanan’s “fortress America” policy is is keeping America White. He doesn’t state it outright (to my knowledge) but it’s what he endorses, stopping immigration form Latin America and Asia and anywhere “they don’t share our values,” as if the socialists in Europe are more compatible with America than a merchant fleeing Venezuela’s Communist regime. Buchanan is currently is using the VTech tragedy to push an anti-Immigration agenda which should prove to anyone that Pat Buchanan is both un-American and likely soulless.
Western Resistance took note of Buchanan’s activism, especially in the field of counter jihadism, and came to much the same conclusion I did. Pat Buchanan doesn’t care about defending America or countering Islamic expansionism, indeed Buchanan and the rest of the “paleo-cons” would no doubt enjoy living in an Islamic state that preached cultural superiority of Aryans (many Arabs consider themselves Aryan) and enforced “morality” on the citizenry. Pat Buchanan is interested in keeping Latinos (especially Catholics), Asians, and Africans out of “his” country.
Buchanan’s Americanized communism, which preaches state control of morality and individual choice is rightfully called fascism by the left. Unfortunately Buchanan is held up as a standard that the world uses to judge how far to the right you are, so though I’ve long disassociated myself from Libertarianism, I’m still considered to be “on the libertarian wing” of Republicanism because I want legal immigration and I don’t think the police should be wasting their time monitoring strip clubs for prostitution. I think people fleeing communist regimes would no doubt make great Americans, and that adults should be free to make their own (sometimes bad) moral choices and that makes me a rabid Libertarian compared to Buchanan.
But I’m not a Libertarian, I’m a Republican and a patriot. Pat Buchanan is neither of those things and it’s time we on the right started telling people just that. Pat Buchanan doesn’t represent me, or anyone I know and he certainly doesn’t represent Conservatism. I for one refuse to allow others to say he does, what about you?