“Liberal” wing attacks Democrats

Ned Lamont’s impending defeat has stripped away the illusion of party loyalty the “netroots” used to gain the trust of Democrats. M.K.H. (you know who she is) pointed to this Washington Times article exposing the angst growing among the ranks of Kos worshiping neo-Marxists as they begin to realize the Democrats aren’t going to be part of their Mao-style cultural revolution.

The netroots are hysterically attacking everyone for the loss of their man Ned (except Ned himself), and the conspiracy theories are already taking form. The D.N.C. is trying to teach the netroots a lesson is a popular one. But media and special interests groups are also helping to destroy Ned’s chances according to Matt Stoller. It seems the united front the progressives envisioned, directed by an army of bloggers of course, is crumbling as the netroots are cast aside by the mainstream left who no longer need to associate themselves with coffee house radicals and self important dilettantes who believe they can “fix” the world’s ills with a copy of Marx and access to a Democrat dominated legislative branch.

The netroots are even turning on each other in the sort of political cannibalism that always happens among Fascist groups.

I for one am going to sit back and enjoy this. As the netroot movement behaves more and more like the sputtering National Socialist party it is, I’m sure Democrats will begin to finally marginalize these destabilizing voices that represent only the worst excesses of the left.