More Victories Anounced Today!

It’s been a good day to be a good guy, leftists and Islamists are on the run all over as patriotic American take action:

Virgin Atlantic agrees to stop showing 9-11 Conspiracy theory movie on it’s flights after conservatives go ballistic and raise all kinds of hell.

Joan Baez and Dan Rather learn that the there are consequences to attacking our troops and our President during a time of war.

Al-Qaeda leaders in Iraq are sent to hell (if it exists) including the one who kidnapped Jill Carol.

Anti-Semitic New Ager Roseanne Barr announces she won’t host the View citing pressure from “bloggers” (Michelle Malkin).

Many of these victories were accomplished at least in part through activism, either on the Web or from individuals like Andrew Wilcow, who get the word out and let Americans see the truth. You can make a difference too, by speaking out and supporting the causes that are right (no pun intended).