Miracle at 42nd Street Recruiting Post

Yesterday Leftist anti-military activists began arraigning an impromptu “action” against several U.S. Military recruiting posts including the one in Times Square. The New York chapter of Gathering of Eagles was able to immediately respond and organize a counter demonstration including activists from G.O.E., United American Committee and Center for Vigilant Freedom. Here’s an excerpt of the N.Y. Coordinator for G.O.E.’s after action report:

“The moonbats had maybe 40 people. A small turnout by their standards.

UPN Channel 9 News was there taking pictures and interviewed me briefly. I just saw the spot on TV and it was very short, about 5 or 10 seconds out of a two minute interview, but they didn’t interview anyone from the other side, or at least didn’t broadcast it so it was a victory for us. My five seconds of fame was my answer to whether I had any timetable or precondition to bringing our troops home. My answer “Victory, just Victory” was all that was broadcast.

About 6:15 the police let the moonbats out of their cage and allowed them to walk past us on their way to Union (Red) Square where they were going to join up with others of their ilk.

I can’t say enough good things about our folks there. They took the initiative, secured the ground, pressed the attack against the opposition, and won a decisive victory on a moments notice. Heck, I just added another body to the count, these folks did the whole thing on their own. From 3:02 pm when I received your email to 6:30 pm when we left the scene shows what a small dedicated group can do if they are motivated and dedicated to the mission.”

A group of dedicated patriots can make asll the difference, and all the organizations which took part are currently recruiting. Show your support for the troops and America! For now, this website will be the recruiting point for the N.Y. Chapter of the The Center for Viglant Freedom, and the U.A.C. and G.O.E. both have contacts on their sites. The time for talk is over, it is time to organize and take action for our country, for our children, for our future.

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