American Taliban Website Rails Against Human Rights!

One of the many pro-Jihadist websites that infest San Francisco based American Taliban unashamedly promotes the destruction of the world and the ushering in of a new dark age of Islamic rule. The author, who goes by the charming name “roughbeast” helps to propagandize for the Jihad in India, distributes Jihadi snuff porn and speaks out against human rights. Here’s part of his response to one of those pesky Universal Declarations of Human Rights the U.N. keeps “enforcing:”

“To sum up what these organizations promote: it is that man should be able to do whatever he wants, no matter how perverse. They support lesbians, homosexuals and bisexuals, and religious deviance. They regard it as a human right to disbelieve in whatever religions one wants and to express one’s opinion – even about the Prophets – without any fear or shame, and they also support the liberation of woman from the control of her father, husband or religion.


These so called rights and freedoms which they call for all people to enjoy regardless of religion make the monotheist and the polytheist equally entitled to these rights and freedoms, so the slave of Allaah and the slave of the Shaytaan are placed on the same level, and every worshipper of rocks, idols or people is given the complete right and freedom to enjoy his kufr and heresy. This is contrary to the laws of Allaah in this world and the Hereafter.

I highlighted the parts that should offend any freedom loving American, especially one from San Fransisco. It should be noted that the Polytheist mentioned above, to whom no rights should be granted according to this “peaceful” Muslim, would include trinitarian Christians (almost all Christians) Hindus, Buddhists “neo-Pagans” and for some reason Jews. Also note that “roughbeast” thinks that those expressing an opinion unfavorable to Islam should be afraid, of lively debate I’m sure.

This is the clearest articulation of the Islamic Imperialists desire to spread the chaos, degeneracy and suffering of Wahabbism accross the entire globe. Muslims like the author wish for an empire of darkness, a destruction of all that is good in the world, so that they may indulge in their sadism and lust for blood. They refuse to “liberate” women because they enjoy the pain and torment women endure in their disguising society, they want to enforce their superiority of others through violence because their religion creates inferiority in its adherents. There are one billion Muslims on the planet and the majority are kept by their Imams and Sheiks in benighted primitivism, in servitude to a perverted prophet and a false god. The Wahabbi death cult continues to keep slaves, mutilate the genitals of women and destroy every civilization they touch.

They are at war, not just against “American Imperialism” or Feminism or Israel, but against equality of the sexes, against free inquiry and the essential dignity of all people. They are at war with goodness, with what is right and pure and free. They are at war with the idea that a woman can marry the man she loves. They are at war with philosophy and theology and “interfaith dialog.” They are at war with us, and in this case they live among us.

We think there are few people who would argue against the idea that all people in the world have the right to be free, the right to marry who they want, think what they want and be who they want. But in reality it’s close to a billion.