Why Bigots Love Islam: The White Deviltry of Umar Lee

I’ve pointed out before that White Supremacists seem to be developing quite a love affair with Islam, partly because of the shared anti-Semitism but I believe more because Islam accepts the idea of a “superior race” that is allowed to enslave and rule others. The “race” in Islam may be Muslims, people who deny their own heritage to adopt Arab superiority, but for White racists, who convince themselves that Arabs are Aryans, Islam is a powerful lure indeed.

For example, take obscure blogger Umar Lee whose claim to fame is being chided by Jihad Watch. Umar Lee is a White convert to Islam, a point he makes very clear and his Blog came to my attention after he posted pictures of Klan lynching as well as racist cartoons on his site. This was in some way an attempt to “expose” Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch as a racist, though it should be pointed out that Spencer didn’t have Klan propaganda on his hard drive.

Umar now claims that only racists attack him, that he’s been called a “nigger lover” etc., and takes great pleasure in calling others racists. When he isn’t telling White Muslims to not marry non-Whites or complaining of the plight of his White “sisters” who he claims are prized by Arabs because of their White skin. It never occurs to Umar that White Americans aren’t prized for their Whiteness, but for their ability to get green cards for their husbands and the perception that the family of a White woman will be, shall we say, less demonstrative when the Muslim attempts to enforce Sharia on their beloved child.

In other words, despite his protest to the contrary, Umar is in fact a good old fashioned bigot, a man who thinks White women are more attractive to Blacks and Arabs because they’re inherently more attractive, a man who has no problem finding some racist cartoons and lynching memorabilia online because he already knows where to look.

And he found a home in Islam. It should say something to Muslims that a person like Umar Lee feels so welcome in their homes and mosques. It should say something to them about the state of their community that a man who thinks using lynching photos to smear some guy is just good clean fun. Umar Lee is, theoretically, a moderate Muslim, but one who has so little respect for dead Black men that he’d use them as props in a sick Internet joke.

Bigots love Islam.

They love it because Islam, as it is practiced by many, rewards bigotry. Islam rewards intolerance, preaches the superiority of one culture over all others past and future. Islam’s inability to accept non-Muslim cultures as equals, to see other religions as having the same right to exist, is the feature that makes the Aryan Nations swoon, that attracts the David Dukes, the Frank Weltners and the Umar Lees. Many people have called for a reformation within Islam – perhaps the first step in reformation should be to purge Islam of “White Muslims” like Umar Lee.