Degenerate Jihadist Ean Farrow (a.k.a Ean DaGod Pharoah) Stopped By Red Alerts to Laugh About Beating his Murder Rap

Ean Farrow and Thomas Ray, III are two thugs who were tried for the murder of  Lance Cpl. Robert Crutchfield during a 2008 robbery. Crutchfield was shot during a strong arm robbery in which the two assailants found his military ID while going through his pockets and then told the combat veteran he “didn’t deserve to live” before shooting him in the neck. This was widely considered an anti-military bias incident by conservatives. Crutchfield lingered for months in a hospital before succumbing to an infection, but he did identify his assailants.

It was easy since one of them went to high school with him.

On a post concerning the depravity of the crime, I put forward my sincere wish that the killers of this young man be put to death. Recently though, I received this comment from someone identifying himself as Ean Farrow on that post:

Ean Farrow said,

on March 28th, 2010 at 3:52 pm

just to let you all know for all of you to be so damn patriotic you forget one thing…in this county it is always innocent untill proven guilty not the other way around, as you all have played it. all of you go by what the media says but dont know anything about anyone and their everyday lives. also i just want to tell you that for you all to be so high and mighty your comments make you seem ignorant and uneducated. i also want to let you know that im am now free and love your comments and fan mail…:)

Originally I assumed this was a joke, but uneasy, I checked the court records of Cuyahoga County, Ohio where to my dismay I found that Ean Farrow had indeed had the murder charges against him dismissed. Apparently the defense argued that since Crutchfield thought he might survive his hospital stay, his identification of his killers was not technically a dying declaration thus was inadmissible because Farrow and his partner couldn’t face their accuser in court.

In other words, Farrow beat a murder rap on a technicality. Another liberal hug-a-thug judge allowed an obtuse word game by defense lawyers to deny Robert Crutchfield justice.

The Ean Farrow in my comments left an email address ( that is associated with this Facebook page which, sure enough, belongs to Ean Farrow. There he refers to himself as Ean DaGod Pharoah and lists his religion as Sunni Muslim. This was not a fact that the media reported, and puts a different spin on the murder of Robert Crutchfield. You can also find him bragging about how much of a thug he is and taking quizzes about what kind of gun he should carry, when he’s not flirting with underage girls.

Meanwhile, the family of Robert Crutchfield is in constant mourning.

Ean Farrow escaped the justice of man, but no one can truly escape Justice. Those that do evil have evil visited upon them, those that defy goodness and morality can never know anything but wickedness and, ultimately, despair. Like Attracts Like is one of the first lessons those of us who follow The Old Religion learn, at the hands of stern and unforgiving gods. The Divine let’s no sin go unpunished, and Ean Farrow cannot escape the judgment of the Divine that will not be swayed with legal maneuvers. In the scheme of things, Ean Farrow’s laughter will be short lived and his punishment for his perfidy can only be delayed for a single lifetime. His punishment will last for eternity.

11 thoughts on “Degenerate Jihadist Ean Farrow (a.k.a Ean DaGod Pharoah) Stopped By Red Alerts to Laugh About Beating his Murder Rap

  1. mr. taylor….i would like to apoligize for a few of the comments i left on facebook regaurding you. i am sorry and realize that my comments were very low,disrespectful, and degrating. i truly apoligize. you were absolutly right i do need to stay classy and stop letting words and opinions get to me. but mr. taylor you yourself also need to remain classy. you like myself seem like you are very educated. you have to be in order to make such an inspiring website such as this one. mr.taylor you should also know that everything that you said about me in this most recent article is purely based on nothing more than puffery. for those who dont know what puffery is, it is a statement or alligation against someone based purely on opinion and not fact. i would appreciate it if you mr. taylor would read all of the transcripts from my case and then you will fully understand and know the real reason i was released. also i do not appreciate being called a degenerate jihadist. i was raised in a christian house hold. i come from a family full of p.h.d.’s. i made the choice on my own to become a muslim because i simply agree and believe the same things. i believe no matter what you are whether it be muslim, hebrew, or christian; it is all about your relationship with God. and in any religion it is not exceptable for you to judge anyone. here is a little insight for you. you are by racial as i myself am. before our ancestors came over to america to be slaves they were muslims. they prayed five times a day in the fields on the plantations. they were beaten, degraded, stripped of their heritage, and told they were stupid because they could not read. they simply couldnt read because they did not know how to read the english writings they were used to reading right to left not left to right. christianity was brought about in europe. so where would you be today if all of these abominations were still taking place today? and as i said in the begging i am choosing to be the bigger man and apoligize for my accusations against you.

  2. Rob, I just looked at this guy’s Facebook page – he called you a “racist f*ck.” I wonder, does he think Muslim is a race?

    He also says “i love and respect everyone,” but that’s laughable since Islamic scripture relegates women to second class status and condones wife beating, marital rape, and child brides. Love and respect does not manifest in the form of gender apartheid.

    However, since Ean Farrow says he was raised in a Christian household, I wonder if he was a prison “revert” to Islam after the shooting of Lance Cpl. Crutchfield and that’s why there was no previous mention of his religion.

  3. well jenn q. i hate 2 enlighten you but muslim is a religion, not a race. and all muslims do not condone that. you need to read the quaran, hadiths, and other muslim scriptures more carefully. you also must not have read the comment i left on this page apoligizing for my ignorence. you dont know me. you dont know what goes on in my life. i dont juge any of you for what you have been threw. and no i am not a jail convert, just to let you know. if you want to talk politics we can just let me know. you all talk about me as if im some brazen street thug but i am from the suburbs look me up. i am pretty sure for me to only be 21 i know and can tell you a lot more about what goes on in the world just try to pick my brain. you’ll see. but untill our next conversation peace and blessings be apoun you. 🙂

  4. I am well aware of the misogyny contained in the Qu’ran and hadiths. I am also aware of the way infidels are treated if they refuse to submit to the so-called “religion of peace.”

    Is Ayaan Hirsi Ali lying about her subjugation under Islam? Is she lying about the danger to her life after she received a death threat pinned to the decapitated body of her colleague Theo Van Gogh?

    Obviously it is you who needs to read the scriptures more carefully. If you are not willing to publicly reject the anti-Western, anti-woman, anti-infidel Islamic political doctrines and call for a worldwide reform of Islam, then you’re part of the problem.

    But go ahead and hide behind Allah’s petticoats; after all, it was just a kafir who lost his life. Why should you care?

  5. I’m glad America and the West in general offends them. I hope we continue to offend them, along with Communists and Nazis.

  6. I know my Qu’ran and i also know my Hadith. you cant let a few radicalists speak for a people as a whole. christians persecute others as well. not all muslims are jihadists. are all americans pigs? no we are not. you people kill me with your ignorance. i do not hide behind Allah, as i said he is my god. 2 each his own. and may i ask is your religion? just to let you know it is not acceptable to look down on anyone. who is to say my religion is better than yours? we will all find out when we die on our day of judgement who is right. what about what our fellow americans, christian americans have done to people in abu grab. yes those men did deserve to be punished but not sodomized as they were. dont tell me what anyone has done. all religions have had there problems, but the biggest problem in this world is the ignorant biggetry that you are spreading with your slander and mudslinging. grow up. how old are you people again. you must really have no lives to sit here and talk about people that you dont know all day.

  7. Learn to read. No one said all Muslims are jihadists. No one here is bigoted against Muslim people. It is Islamic political doctrine (and those who refuse to reject it) that I take issue with.

    My contention is that unreformed, scripturally-dependent Islam is inherently incompatible with Western ideals. It is up to individual Muslims to recognize this and be brave enough to publicly renounce the portions of Islamic doctrine that are incompatible with liberty and equality.

    There may very well be parts of Islamic religious practice worth salvaging as a personal faith, but the political doctrines embodied in the Qu’ran and Hadith are immoral. For example, Surah 9:29 instructs followers of Islam to fight unbelievers until they submit.

    Here are a few other passages I take issue with:

    Surah 4:3 – A man may marry up to four wives at the same time.

    Surah 4:34 – A man may punish his wife by beating her.

    Surah 2:223 – Wives are objects to be used for sexually at the whim of a husband.

    Surah 5:51 – Muslims must not take Jews or Christians as friends.

    Mudslinging? Slander? Bigotry? I think not. This is what Islam is. I hold no ill will toward Muslims who reject these doctrines and call for an Islamic enlightenment. But as a woman who loves freedom, those who embrace the Islamic scripture in all its misogynistic, anti-Western glory are my enemy. By not denouncing these passages and others, you have made it clear where you stand.

  8. well…jenn. i am very pleased that you cleared that up for me. i also agree with some of what you said. i do not fall under the same catagory of those muslims that you speak about. it is never right to beat a woman or anyone else of that matter. violence begots violence. and i never made it clear to anyone where i stand. you assumed that you knew where i stand. as far as having up to four wives goes i dont agree with that eithier, but what about the Holy Bible. in the Bible Abraham had more than one wife. so it is not just muslims that had once believed that. and in surah 5:51 it does not say do not take jews or christians as friends it states; oh ye who believe! take not the jews or christians as your protectors, for they are but allies and protectors to each other. and that is true in a way. isreal is a perfect example. what i dont understand is how people can have so much hate built towards each other. religion is one of the worlds biggest desputes. wars have been fought over religious beliefs. so as i have said i do agree with some of the things that you have said. i see that you are the only peson that has commented on this website that actually knows not only a little of what they are talking about but about what goes on in the world. i respect that. 🙂 but as far as me learning to read, ive already done that sweety. that is all i do. i only read books, articles, you name it but only the ones that will enlighten me and open my mind to new things. knowledge truly is power.

  9. Shocking. A “man” who stood accused of murdering a military man refuses to reject doctrine about fighting unbelievers until they bow down and submit to Islam.

    I rest my case.

  10. you know jenn people arent always as they seem…you cant judge a book by its cover for one, and two people buy to much into the media hype. believe only half of what you hear and none of what you see. as i said before. i believe that it does not matter whether you be muslim, hebrew, christian, whickan, whatever, it is all about your relationship with the man upstairs.

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