Ah, the moral superiority of Paulnuttery. I’m Facebook “Friends” with a hateful harpy named Angie Bishop who has taken to dropping by my page (which is auto-updated with my posts) and claiming I’m a “neo-con” (Jew) who supports the agenda of “them” (Jews) and puts the interests of others (Jews) before Americans.
Late last night I posted a quick story about a progressive boarding school in Germany in which children were routinely beaten and raped by teachers for almost 40 years of its history. I put forward that the leftist disdain for personal autonomy is at the root cause of molestation, the same point I made when blogging about Communist leader Daniel Ortega who was elected President of Nicaragua even though it was well known he had raped his step-daughter for years starting when she was 13.
Hardcore Paulestinian Angie Bishop responded to my piece on the FB auto-update with leftist anti-Semitism dressed up as Conservatism which is par for the course for Ron Paul supporters:
So…what now? You want our American Men and Women to go fucking blow up Germany? WTF? You dont think this Country has its own shit cloud issues? Were supposed to focus on Jewish shit? Give me a fucking break.
Of course those who read the piece know that a) I’m not calling for an invasion and b) there were no Jews in the story. Good ol’ Angie didn’t read the post but saw a criticism of Germans and reacted like any person who hates Jews. But the story isn’t about Jews or Germans, it’s about children being victimized by adults who used leftism to gain access to victims. Why is Angie Bishop more disgusted with unmentioned Jews than with adults orally, vaginally and anally raping children?
I suppose I’d have to read End the Fed to understand.
Amazing but not surprising with antisemitic leftist like this. They see a Jooooo hiding in every story.
Rob Taylor,
Speaking of Un-American activities, did you happen to see the email I sent you about what Sean Penn said on Real Time With Bill Maher?
Zionist Spy,
At some point will probably hear from an anti semetic person who happens to also be a birther claiming that the Jews hid Obama’s Kenyan birth certificate as well. That seems to be about the only major conspiracy theory right now that anti-semites haven’t claimed Jews were involved in. But I just know they will eventually will.
Rob~You are Mr. Drudge indeed. Nothing you said has an ounce of merit. I never said “YOU ARE A NEO CON JEW” EVER. Prove to me and your readers where I said this.
” with leftist anti-Semitism dressed up as Conservatism which is par for the course for Ron Paul supporters”
YOU are LYING. YOU enjoy character defamation? Clearly.
I am neither right or left you ignorant being. I do NOT dress any anything BUT MYSELF. Sure I support total fiscal conservative agendas and limited govt. This means I am a follower of RON PAUL?. I read and agree on many different ideologies with many different Americans and Non-Americans from around the globe. I read Ron Paul’s new book. If this makes me a RON PAUL FOLLOWER well then I am a JEWISH follower as well because I am currently reading a great piece of work given to me by my CHRISTIAN cousin…it gives great insight on the fundamental ideologies linking Israel with the USA.
How do you proudly post such unethical “journalistic blogging”?
Label me Rob. You are not an independent thinker. You say I “FOLLOW” bull-crap if I do and you damn well know it.
Anti Semitism is really old and so sucky tit baby attention seekers still try and keep up and running.
And how do you define Anti Semitism? Just curious….the term changes often.
I think introducing Jews and their supposed perfidy into discussions having nothing to do with judaism is clearly anti-Semitic, no? I blogged about a horrific abuse scandal and you claimed I was jewing it up and calling for invasion of Germany. Explain that comment if it isn’t simply Jew hate.
Anti semitism, the universal placard for jews to stifle any comment. This is so played out its a joke. One does not need to be speaking within the context of judaism to talk about jews or zionist radical extremists. The world is reconfirming its rightful suspicions of Israel and zionists. Its clearly documented jews killed jews for over a century to manifest the ongoing Arab/Israeli conflicts. No wonder jews are so wierd and secretive.
Rob, you really got to stop wondering the desert. The zionists are all back in the states undermining US society as Finkelstein cries out anti semitism.
Z spy Damien guy- I give you credit. You, as well the world, knows there is an arrogant, scumbag Israeli zionist behind every evil, murderous, treasonous event. Just look at Rabbi Rahmbo steering the GOP away from a civilian trial for the gitmo guys. Hmmm…why would a shadow zionist make the US President look like a fool? Because he is protecting Israel. The gitmo guys have nothing to do with 9/11 and every scumbag jew zionist knows Israel is behind the murder of 3,000 US citizens. PNAC couldnt be more obvious the killers than 2 jews making copper wire from a penny.
Isreal is destroying the world. Its no wonder there is a global suspicion and irritation towards israel and zionist jews. The FBI has evidence linking israel with 9/11. Its still considered confidential. Im sure this dirt is being saved until the US has to break the arm of Ben N. and black mail the mossad. It totally sucks the US taxpayer has to pay $3b annually to support israel and their spyring, eavesdropping companies for the outcome of killing US citizens.
1) Why would foreign nationals who attacked America get a civilian trial, genius? Are they civilians of America? Do non-Americans have American Constitutional rights? If so why aren’t you fighting to defend Mexican’s “rights” to buy guns in America?
2) The people in Gitmo admit to pulling off 9/11 and many other acts of terror. There have been 14, 987 Islamic terror attacks since 9/11. Are Jews faking all of those too?
3) Explain how Israel is destroying the world? By existing?
Go back to your Ron Paul forums commie.