The Doom that Comes to England

England, in the face of outrageous provocations from Iran and Jihadists within its own borders, responds to the world with with cowardice, appeasement and ultimately an invitation to outside forces to invade. Gone are the mythic stiff-lipped Brits that dwell in the popular American imagination, they’ve been replaced with neo-Marxist pacifists who aren’t willing to fight to defend their own countrymen, even when one is a mother. Iran has proved definitively to the world that not only is England a paper tiger, but that there are virtually no limits as to what sorts of aggressive actions the British people will accept in their attempts to avoid war.

And there is war in England now. The Islamic community is overrun with Wahabbists and openly flaunts its terror connection. Islamic “youth gangs” have turned the streets of English cities into war zones where non-Muslims are becoming increasingly targeted, frustrated, and radicalized. The next King of England may well be a Wahhabist himself, seeking to return England to the dark days of unopposed Monarchy with the help of his radical allies.

What will England do if a newly empowered Iran calls for war with the United Kingdom? What if Hezbollah cells begin attacking cities as they’ve done in Israel? What if the Iranian Navy sails to England and demands tribute? Will Americans have the will, or inclination, to aid the beleaguered English?

What comes to a nation of people unwilling to fight for their own survival? Many are asking this question, more are answering it. But for the British it is too late to change their course, war is upon them. The tiny island that once ruled the known world, now ruled over by political conceits and Utopian ideology, faces its doom. The Iranians have proved that they can conquer England without firing a shot, and now they will gather allies and do just that. The doom that comes to England will not be on the tip of a Iranian missile, but in the thousands of English citizens who will allow their nation to be destroyed.

8 thoughts on “The Doom that Comes to England

  1. No peace to you,

    Let’s see. The United Kingdom was not here in this world. The United Kingdom did not loot and pillage every spot on Earth it colonized. The United Kingdom did not cause the whole world to abide by racist peaces of paper called Passports. The United Kingdom did not establish and promote the modern stinky and unfair monetary system of the world. The United Kingdom did not create and promote the world national and racist system of borders, colonies and the list of subcategories goes on. The United Kingdom did not steal Palestine and give it to a bunch of racist outlaws in a despicable act of total disregard to human life or nations’ rights. The United Kingdom did not steal the African Gold and Diamonds. The United Kingdom did not steal the African and Middle Eastern oil and divide it with the other theives whome everyone perfectly know. The United Kingdom did not lead the “Secular World” on a mission to a worldwide corruption and unrest. And the HUGE list goes on and on and on and on…..

    I urge you to shut the hell up and pray to God that people won’t come after you and your likes. You are a living example of all that is disgusting and despicable. Before you open your mouth and judge innocent people who have trouble earning their day-to-day bread, I urge you to go put that Dark Ages mentality of hate and racism aside and study the facts. You need to open your eyes to see it. It’s all around you.

    I dare you to open your eyes and your mind. Stop IGNORANCE before it backfires in your face!!!

  2. Not like your Muslim brothers, eh “zoombug”? No Islamic kingdom traded slaves, or forced conversions or created borders. It isn’t Arab militias in the Sudan killing Black Africans for sport. It isn’t Pakistani Muslims in England attacking Blacks on the streets. It isn’t Muslim gangs gang raping their fellow Muslims in the French ghettoes.

    I’m disgusting because I believe in equality? I’m despicable because I think the culture of my ancestors, both African and European, is worth defending from the howling desert god you worship. You sit in your dark room enjoying the freedom, and the technology, that Western Civilization provides to you, and dare to claim that national sovereignty, free trade and pluralism are evil? It is all these things that allow you to sit, fat and happy, in front of a computer screen spewing forth your effeminate bile, and your thinly veiled death threats. I hate no race, scum. I do hate those that treat my African brothers and sisters as slaves, I do hate those that hate my country and I hate the cowardice that you display here.

    It is you and your false god, and it’s book of lies that are benighted by a “dark age mentality”, it is you that makes baseless threats when you disagree with something you read because in your heart you know that what you’re preaching isn’t right or good or just. Iran innocent, don’t make me laugh! Did they not hang a teenage girl there not even a year ago? What was her crime? Wasn’t it being victimized by souless sadists, like yourself?

    I will never pray to “god”, especially not the Islamic one. I respect the ways of my ancestors too much to pray to the god whose followers rape, pillage and plunder the once great lands of Africa and Europe. Whose followers would tear down the great Pyramids if the Egytian government didn’t restrain them, who would deny the right of women to be threated as equals, who attacked my homeland on 9-11. No you and the hateful god you envision will get no prayers from me, only my contempt and eternal animosity. Your threats will not persuade me that your god is just, only that you and his followers are evil.

  3. A natural result of all what I said would be what you added. I am not a Muslim myself but I hear both sides and read and research history and other sources alot. I agree that the Muslims are not Angles. I agree that on both sides there are those who are acting in the name of that side in a terrible manner.

    What I meant to say was that England as a people was not responsible for the historic facts done in it’s name. Afterall, Napoleon repeatedly dismissed it as an “island of shopkeepers!” So, how can an obscure Island off the coast of Europe lead the Secular world in all of it’s to-day’s advancement and glory. How could it have led the world all of a sudden when it never before played any role in known history? The meaning was read between the lines, rather. Something rather unusual took place there. Don’t you agree?!

    I would love to entertain the wishes you have in undergoing a total change of direction and/or exchange of hate, as most fanatics nowadays would, but I’m afraid I’ll pass.

    Think about my words deeply and go do a quick research in history. By the way, and in historic fact, Muslims have proven a more Noble and more humane performance than your part of the world has done in all ages and today. I hate to say it, and not that I agree with Muslims, but who was the star of the Crusades? Saladin was, but why? And in modern history, who killed more than 40 million people in Europe alone? And who was the only one that used nukes in all of history? Who invented and stocked nukes to the helt? Is it Muslims? I’ll leave to you to research.

    I don’t hate anyone and I’m trying to pick a religion and I’m in the process of doing it. If you come back at me with more uneducated statements and emotional reaction then you only force me to pick the other side. I haven’t had this much trouble dealing with them that even when I insulted them they tried to explain and clarify issues and doubts with logic and with facts. All I here from this side is mostly fanaticism. Help me judge fairly and wisely.

    So do your homework and talk to my mind or this will be my response:

    Well .. hahaha .. who told you I’m a Muslim? See how you don’t really understand the world around you.

    It does NOT take a Muslim to smell the STINK of the former United Kingdom filling the world. It just takes a nose that works. And I don’t blame you for not having one because it is intended by design that you wouldn’t.

    I assure you though if you had one you’d SHUT THE HELL UP and try to fix it instead of arguing . . .

  4. Fix what? Your point is that the crusades (which happened hundreds of years ago) nullifies the Arab militias racist pogrom in Africa?

    Or is your point that I’m going to cause you to be a Muslim because I’m disgusted by Muslim atrocities here in our time? And why would I care if you did convert to Islam?

    If you read my post you’d see I’m no cheerleader for England, in fact I’m not English. I will say that it isn’t unusual for a “obscure island” to lead the world when that island had the worlds largest navy during a time period when sea power was the deciding factor in the importance of a nation on the world stage. Of course the time when England led the world is long past, so I’m not sure what your point is. If you don’t like England (and you live there) leave.

    Your being incredibly disingenuous, I’m speaking of Muslim crimes against humanity today, as we speak, and your looking back hundreds of years to the crusades. I’m talking about the right of all people to be free, the right of women to not be property and your saying Muslims are more noble than this or that so the oppression of women and Africans isn’t worth mentioning. Are you saying that because you enjoyed you conversations with Muslims more than my post the crimes against women and Africans don’t matter?

    Here’s some logic and facts for you. Islamic Imperialism threatens the way of life I, and millions of others, love. You may not like my American ways, my gun collection, the my art collection, my collection of books that would be banned in most Muslim countries, but you’re to enlightened to try to take it from me right?

    But others are not. So logically, should I embrace them, become a slave, turn a blind eye to the plight of people who are my distant cousins? Is that what you would do? Is that what your precious Muslims would do?

    “Help me judge fairly and wisely.”

    It is not for me, or anyone, to “help” you judge anything. It is YOUR responsibility to live your life because you’ll be the one that has to answer for it. Become a Muslim, become a Christian or worship Chuthulu for all I care, but as an adult it is you who should be making that decision based on your faith,which you already feel in your heart, not what someone else tells you.

    Lastly, I am a fanatic. I’m fanatical in my commitment to see that the light of Western Civilization burns as brightly for the next generation as it did for mine. I’m fanatical in my commitment to the liberation of Africa from the racist Arab occupation that has turned the once beautiful continent into hell on earth. I’m fanatical in my commitment to spreading liberty and justice and equality to all the dark corners of the earth, to freeing every last slave and ensuring that every soul on this planet can live as well as me.

    Your “educated” friends want the reverse, slavery for Blacks, oppression for the masses and a world where everone suffers in equal misery.

  5. You care that everybody in this world should be like you, a Christian. Unfortunately you try to hide it but Muslims say it out loud and admit that this is part of their religion! If you didn’t then we wouldn’t have this dialog.

    I am still not convinced that Islam is the way but I see that it’s closer to “freedom” and to “justice.” I’m sorry! I’m not Arabic or British but again it wouldn’t take a genius to notice the historic facts. It just takes an “open mind” (ie. a thinking brain).

    I see that you are throwing false accusations ignoring the visual facts that everyone can see. If Muslims are “Imperialists,” then where does that particular word appear in their literature, publications, or even their actions? So you mean to tell me that the “third world” is such a giant economic and imperialistic power in the world and that the Muslims are at our doors converting us by force and by troops spread on our Western World’s soil like beach sand?

    The only nation that fits this description in our world today is the Imperialist, Capitalist, Colonialist, Protstant US of A and it’s end tail the Great Britain. I don’t think you need eyes. I think you lack vision!

    I am not just pointing fingers. I am supporting my arguments with facts. Name a single “Muslim country,” which are not really Muslim nowadays, that has it’s troops deployed in Europe or in America. Name a single Muslim country that has it’s forces occupying any other country in the world right now. Name a single Muslim country has the Veto power in the UN.

    On the other hand, I can list an, almost, endless queuee of shameful behavior conducted foolishly in the name of “Freedom”, “Liberty,” “the Free World,” “Anti Terrorism,” “Anti Barbarianism,” “Liberation,” etc. . . Oh, and take special note of the word “Liberation” and how it was used. Something real funny happened. You are living in your country and some rogue outlaw decides that you need liberation from your own government so that the outlaw “preimptively protects” himself from you in case it ever crossed your mind to get out of your oppression, devise a mighty war machine, and decide to swim across the Ocean with your army to force something on them that you yourself don’t even support! I think this is what we call here as: “being on crack!!!”

    Who told you that the world is dark?! Unless you are referring to your own! Another ignorance sign. China is a mighty ancient civilization. The Middle East is the source of ALL civilization including our Western Civilization and thank to Muslims you are today enjoying the fruits of the sciences they have laid the foundations for. I guess you won’t know that the Zero is an Arabic word and that the Muslims invented it. Nor would I expect you to know that a great amount of our modern day English is a Westernized version of Arabic words and phrases from Islamic literature (ex. Algebra, Alcohol, Captain, Chemistry, Algorithm, Zero, and the list goes on).

    Oh, or perhaps you know this fact and it’s just a case of mere jelousy? I wonder!

    In short, leave the culture of hate aside. You are looking for the deamon in the others. Perhaps it’s using you now to reach it’s goal. If I were you and claim to be “a true” Christian, then I would listen to my Christ and open my heart and better yet my other cheek.

    But we all know you won’t. Simply put because you are not a “true Cristian” NOR are you being SLAPPED!!!!!!!!!

  6. As for Africa, you are being racist against Arabs and Africans alike. A big part of Arabia, if you look at your map is in fact a notable portion of Africa. So as if you are saying get the Brits out of Britain!

    Secondly if you have issues with the Arabs and other people start thinking like you then you guys will put us on a collision course with a very cultured and a very smart civilization. Do you know that their language has not changed eversince it came to be known? Did you know that if an arab three thousand years ago can understand a modern day Arab were they to have a conversation?

    How many languages on Earth do you know that is so powerful and so perfect as to have perfected and maintained itself intact as Arabic has done along the ceturies? Those guys are built to endure and last and this stable language is the evidance. So, let’s be nice to them if not to anyone else and get along with them and open a dialog instead.

    This, the suggested approach, is what our Western Civilization often refers to as “Culture” and as the “antitheses to Barbaric behaviour.”

    Lest it as such be fitting to you?! I hope you prove opposite. Stop your RACISM!!!!

  7. I’m not a Christian. Africa is not part of “Arabia” and I’m not your internet buddy. It’s the weekend, go find something else to do until Monday.

  8. From what I read Muslims are imperialists, they are invaders, conquers, occupiers. They have been fighting off and on for 1,400 yrs. to bring the world under the thumb of islam. The Umayyad Caliphate became the 6th largest contiguous empire to ever exist. So,imho, yes the U.S.A. has done some inexcusable rotten things for the past 250 yrs. but so have the muslims and for much longer. The only conclusion one can come to is that the human race in general as a whole is BAD.

    Go to Wikipedia and type in the search box Islamic empire and you will see what I mean.

    Also read Rory Stewart’s books “The Places In Between” and The Prince of the Marshes: And Other Occupational Hazards of a Year in Iraq” to get a more on the ground feel for these muslims.

    Islam is a particularly vile religion, imo. Barbaric in its view and treatment of females; founded by a pedophile, that gave the nod to pedophilia in the form of pre-pubescent marriage. So, imho, that makes all followers of islam BAD. Period. There is no explaining away their founder, muhammad, with a nine y/o. He must of had a heck of a time inserting his penis into her (sorry for being gross but that’s what it is). A moral virtuous man would not of been able to perform with a child. But muslims claim that the prophet muhammad is “the exemplar of virtue in human form.” Muslims are to look to muhammad as a living example of the right way to live. So there you go. They think sex with a 9 y/o is A-OK….virtuous even. Muhammad: a pedophile slave owner, skilled businessman, married into wealth with 11+ wives….. anyway by claiming islam you condone these and it’s other evils. The fact that it has lasted and is fast growing only proves to me personally just how evil man can be.
    Mahammad soon turned to violence and terror (beheadings, assassinations…) to spread his islam. Seems allah conveniently kept sending mahammad revisions too all along the way. And these updates were always more intolerant and violent than the last. Always just what mahammad needed at the time to spur his believers into more violent acts. And in fact they spred and conquered Mesopotamia and Persia, Roman Syria and Roman Egypt. Killing all the way. Mahammad’s farewell speech “I was ordered to fight all men until they say `There is no God but Allah’ “.

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