Victimless Crime File: Meet Tonya Marie Stalwick

Tonya Stalwick Pot Smoking Pervert

Here she is stoners! Tonya Marie Stalwick is looking for love and has profiles on all the “420” sites  so you can get in touch with her between toking up and passing around Ron Paul agi-prop. Never mind that she’s a new mother who lives in a trailer with a drunken slattern of a mother and is a registered sex offender. She’s “cool” and no one has the right to judge her. From C.S.N.:

Tonya’s a single mom raising a small child. Tonya’s also a big marijuana fan. She belongs to quite a few “420” websites, where she is usually known as “Rockinitbarefoot.” 420 is a subculture term for potheads. On Tonya’s MySpace, she shows photos taken during a roadtrip with her friend. Her infant son came along for the ride, too. The photos show one of the women smoking something that doesn’t quite look like a Camel or Marlboro.

On August 27, 2002 Tonya Marie Stalwick of Butte, Montana was sentenced to 2nd degree criminal sexual conduct –qualifying her for entry on the Montana Sexual or Violent Offender Registry.

Her registry lists her offense as Criminal Sexual Contact in the 2nd degree which happened in Minnesota. Here’s a link to the law but I’ll nutshell it for you. She either molested a child or forced someone to have sex with her or someone else. But I’m sure she’s pretty mellow. She just needs more pot.

This is who you meet when you get high. Scumbags and weirdos. Which brings me to her Youtube channel. Want to see family time in the Stalwick household?

Yes, that’s Tonya’s mother and yes this does explain everything.

But I’m sure all you pot heads out there are really much different than this cretin, so give go get her!