The Gare Du Nord metro station has been evacuated in the wake of a riot by “youths” set off when an illegal immigrant assaulted two inspectors during a routine ticket check. Police and at least 100 thugs clashed in the metro, terrorizing passengers who were used as human shields by the rioters.
Leftist candidate for the French Presidency Segolene Royal and “Centrist” Francois Bayrou both took the opportunity to blame the actions of these out of control gangs on the policies of former interior minister and Presidential front runner Nicolas Sarkozy who is not sympathetic to the “plight” of jihadist gangs who are terrorizing Paris.
To be fair we aren’t sure that these “youths” are part of the Radical Muslim sub-culture that have turned Paris suburbs into Hell on Earth, but it’s a long shot, in my opinion, that they are not.
(Photo: BBC)
UPDATE: The youths chanted Marxist slogans, including “Down with the State, Police and Bosses” as the violence spilled out of the station onto the streets. There’s video and analysis from E-nough and iNo Pasaran! puts it all in context.