Thurday Night Link Dump Link Round-Up

Also known as the “I have five windows and thirty something tabs open of interesting stories I wanted to blog about and don’t have the time” link round up. Some of these are great stories but I simply can’t gear up to do them justice:

T.D.K.O.M has the story of a child porn bust. This one is notable because it includes the criminal complaint that gives basic details of what kind of images were found. A tough read but important for all those people who think of “teen modeling” sites or kids at the beach when they think of child porn. Once you read this you’ll never look at people who make the argument that possession of child porn is a minor crime the same way again.

The F.B.I. is investigating over 500 murders where bodies were dumped along our nation’s highways. Because they believe many are the work of serial killers who are long distance truckers or other travelers, they have created the Highway Serial Killer Initiative.

Crimeshadows is covering the search for a pervert who attacked a child in a movie theater bathroom in West Nyack, New York. There were witnesses who saw the man enter the ladies room ahead of the little girl and did nothing. Crimeshadows has security cam pictures of the pervert and one of the cowardly witnesses.

NorCal Cazadora pointed out this excellent blog post by a vegan turned hunter. A short but interesting read.

G.S.G.F. got all Lovecraftian in her analysis of Michael Crowley’s COIN Toss article that ran in The New Republic.

Mansor Mohammad Asad was thrown off a Miami flight bound for Detroit when he yelled “I’m a Palestinian and I want to kill all the Jews” as the plane was getting ready to take off. Atlas Shrugs found out he has a history of violence.

Oregon Craigslist child prostitution ring busted.

AccuWeather: Worldwide cold not seen since 70s “ice age” scare.

Richard Bollinger stalked a homeless three-year-old girl. The family lived in a shelter but the father worked every day. Bollinger should be put away for life.

Pot smoking anti-Semite Andrew Sullivan wants America to invade Israel.

America avoided technical default by three days.

The CAIR appointed lawyer in the Rifqa Bary apostasy case was caught perjuring himself.

A Massachusetts mother of nine claims doctors sterilized her against her will while she was in the hospital.

Lilo has the whole story on the St. Louis shooting.

One thought on “Thurday Night Link Dump Link Round-Up

  1. And Andrew Sullivan calls himself a “Libertarian”?

    “My own view is moving toward supporting a direct American military imposition of a two-state solution, with NATO troops on the borders of the new states of Palestine and Israel.”

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