Hate Mail! White Kid from Virginia Suburb Mails Death Threat to Red Alerts

I just checked my contact form and found this message left for me by a some kid from Virginia:

OneTrueAmericanCommieHater wrote:
You know what? You should fucking kill yourself. You’re the anti-american, you
stupid communist twat. I WISH I could. Surely I would. Have your still beating
heart in my hands.







Since krazwhitebo3x11@aol.com took the time out of his busy day full of hanging out at Hot topic and gazing lovingly at photos of the pre-pubescent Prussian Blue (I have it on good authority White Supremacists prefer the “old blue”) I guess I can take a couple of minutes to respond to his criticism of this site.

1) I don’t think you know what communism actually is. I’m anti-Marxist, thus I’m anti-Communist. I’m a Capitalist and I’m on the libertarian wing of the Republican party. You are the communist, because White Nationalism is the the bastard offspring of Socialism (Nazis are Socialists) and inbred degeneracy (your parents were related). Many Nazis like to pretend they aren’t commies, but only because the commies turned on them during WWII (or actually Hitler turned on them) which is the only reason National Socialists and International Socialists, Nazis and Communists respectively, don’t get along.

2) Since White Nationalist groups want to overthrow the government of the greatest country on earth, America, it is YOU who are anti-American. You’re pro-European, which is almost worse then being anti-American since all the good genes left Europe for America leaving behind a continent of barbarians. And worse, the French.

3) You may have thought this e-mail was a clever way of making death threats without, you know, technically making a death threat but it actually isn’t. This is in fact a death threat made by you utilizing the Internet. Will I call the cops? Am I that spiteful?

Yes. Yes I am.

4) If you pulled out my heart, why would it still be beating? Maybe a little less Dungeons & Dragons and a little more book learnin’ would do you a world of good. I mean c’mon, what kind of death threat uses imagery form Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom? This is just embarrassing. All my blogger friends get the scary stuff, and you’re fixin’ to go all Sega Genesis Mortal Kombat on me. Sheesh.

5) You call this a death threat? What are you a little French girl? This sounds like you’re mad at me for ditching you at prom. You’ve gotta want it, man! Now reach down into that empty space your uncle left in your soul after teaching you to “wrestle” and give me some venom, some hate. Hell, my mother’s said worse things than that to me! Seriously, this was weak.

Sorry krazwhiteboy3x11@aol.com, but this really was a pretty lame hate mail. I mean don’t get me wrong, I still reported it, but only out of spite. Take some time, try to imagine how a man would make a threat and get back to me with something that has a little hair on its chest.

13 thoughts on “Hate Mail! White Kid from Virginia Suburb Mails Death Threat to Red Alerts

  1. I understand you’re a little too … well, dumb, to get this, but I’ll try to explain it to you:

    Communism is and always was Jewish. It is and was racially alien to European peoples, and its nature was a direct result of Jewish racial hatred of non Jews.

    National Socialism was and is always rooted in the spirit of the people — the nation — which raises it up. Because it is not racially alien, it transforms societies in a positive way.

    That is the difference between the two systems. If you can’t understand that, you’re spending too much time consuming trash talk radio and reading Free Republic. ;-D

  2. That’s completely asinine. Communism and National Socialism are both rooted in Marxist economic and social theories. Stalin and Hitler were able to work together (until Hitler back stabbed him) because they both essentially saw society in the same way.

    Communists in America supported Nazi germany until an angry Stalin declared a “Popular Front” in a desperate attempt to fend off the cowardly German sneak attack on Russia. Socialism, the desire to have the state be your surrogate parents so you don’t have to go out and earn a living, is no more rooted in the European spirit then food stamps and section eight housing. It is rooted in the desire of lazy people to not be responsible for their own lives.

    The difference between the two systems is only how each interprets Marxist theories, National Socialists see Socialism as something that can exist in isolated countries sans international support, Communists see worldwide Socialism as the only way for a country to enjoy the “benefits” of Socialism. Nazis, like Baathists and Islamists, use the Jews as an example of why they need to isolate their societies from “outside influence,” in reality they understand that no normal person would want to live in a Socialist country if given an alternative. Commies treat all religious organizations the same way.

    For an American, the difference between the two is academic, both are incompatible with Freedom, Democracy and Liberty. Perhaps, my friend, you should spend less time on the forums and more time on the Free Republic website, or United American Committee or maybe just a library. You’ve been snuckered, laddie.

  3. No, Free Republic is full of conservatives of all races, Stormfront is a Nationalist community meaning they espouse socialist economic and political theories blended with a racist agenda.

  4. Where are your references? What post was racist? I and many people of African descent have been to the site and not been offended, so what there offended you?

  5. Lots of stuff. Homophobia, racism, antisemitism. I don’t want to go back to the site, it’s pretty vile.

  6. You haven’t named anything because you’re lying. I checked the front page there and it was mainly, as always, reprints mainstream conservative opinion. Unless you think stories on Fox News and George Will op-eds are homophobic, racist and anti-semiic, you’re being disingenuous at best.

    But aren’t you the homophobe here, yammering on in shock and dismay to learn that if you build a place where dudes whip out their stuff men who like to see other men’s stuff will show up, hook up and do what liberals like yourselves (I knew you were a liberal troll as soon as I saw your handle) claim is just natural? I don’t like having to wait for a stall to take a piss, but you know, it’s the least dangerous crime I run across in NYC and I happen to think that gays and graffitti writers and people who don’t recycle should be the low priority arrests for cops. I like them to get rapists, murderers and child molesters off the streets first.

    Speaking of which, aren’t you also the racist, since you know, as everyone does, that unchecked illegal immigration allows violent anti-Black drug funded latino gangs to enter the country and kill Black people? The Newark murders were just the latest in a long list of these types of killings, as the very liberal Southern Poverty Law Center reported on months ago. I’ve blogged about this several times as well. I have family in Newark, Black folk who are law abiding, and thanks to you liberals disarmed. You’re apparently fine with them being murdered by Latino gnag memebers who should be deported, which I suppose means you’re “taking their side”, you like Latinos better than Blacks so you want we of African descent dead. Sounds racist to me.

    And seriously, you’ve read DailyKos, DU and all the lib sites, you’ve seen them call Lieberman “Jew Lieberman” you’ve seen them claim Jews run the country, but Free Republic, an openly Pro-Israeli site is the one you think is anti-Semitic? That’s asinine. I take it you’ve heard from your White liberal friends that Free Republic is racist and were too lazy to go there yourself to see it and have been repeating the same tired accustion (which again is a form of projection by you and your lily White friends) all over the net.

    That’s kinda’ gay.

  7. I dunno, I don’t wanna go to the racist site anymore i’ll have to clear my cookies πŸ™

  8. Right, so you’re talking about Dailykos here, or Pandagon who recently compared temporary work visas for illegals to the enslavement of blacks? Because as I’ve said before, the only way Free Republic would publish anything racist is if they reprinted some Pat Buchannan nonsense, which they don’t do often.

  9. Good. People should spend less time being loyal to a few sites and more time really seeing what’s out there. But i go to a lot of sites I hate because it’s important to see what everyone is saying. About a year ago i discovered that the Aryan Nations was literally recruting for Al-Qaeda on their board and allowed their members to convert to (wahhabi) Islam. Had I not checked out what these rather disgusting creatures did on the Internet I’d never had been able to break that to my small but loyal (I hope) audience.

    I try to check in with several Left wing blogs a day, even though I’m a “wingnut” and on occasion even agree with them. But I always read up and see what they’re saying, and try to be fair.

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