I’m a little behind and as many people know I’m a bit of a night owl so I’m on a bad schedule here which means while I fix my sleep pattern by getting up today after three hours of sleep you’ll be getting a link round-up. Enjoy!
Courtney at G.S.G.F has coined a new term for the disease that causes Americans to become anti-Semitic America haters or as they like to call themselves “foreign policy realists.” Waltsheimer’s disease.
A judge in New York has ordered the United Homeless Organization shut down. New Yorkers will be happy to be rid of this con game once and for all. There’s a video report sure to make your blood boil.
U.S. foreclosures will reach 3.9 million. U.S. bankruptcy is certain.
The Lockerbie Bomber, you know the terrorist who was supposed to have succumbed to cancer by now, is missing and presumed to be on the loose!
The Pagan Temple takes on Law and Order in Evil Propaganda Hate Machine.
Why is Russian state propaganda arm Russia Today promoting Alex Jones as an “investigative journalist?”
And why are they promoting Bill Ayers and his call for the overthrow of America?
ThreatsWatch.org has a great short piece on MS-13 and the gangs national security implications.
Blogger Rob Taylor of Red Alerts outed … as Rob Taylor of Red Alerts. No really, a commenter/superslueth on my new crime blog Greenville Dragnet “outed” me by linking to sites I already link to. I blame the teachers.
Occidental Soapbox has a interview with Nonie Darwish of Former Muslims United.
Atlas Shrugs on the mainstreaming of a Blood Libel.
Jihad Watch has a post on the “love Jihad” where Muslims seduce non-Muslims (usually Hindus) with the sole purpose of converting them.
Outrage as England issues an arrest warrant … for Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Livni.
Chicago terror suspect Tahawwur Hussain Rana Rana may have known about the Mumbai attacks beofre they happened.
Support Pagans Against Child Abuse and their campaign against GLSEN.
The “Untied Homeless Organization” put me in mind of The Beggars’ Guild until I read the article… pretty sneaky stuff they’re doing. I’m sure they’re not the only “non-profit” organization that are finding ways to make a profit, though. Glad they’ve been caught.
And ROFLMFAO at you being outed. *snicker* What a genius that one is!
I’ll be checking out the rest of these links a bit later… I’m a little (a LOT) behind, myself. 🙂
You can also add that Russia Today happily attracts some aging Russian Commies such as Igorvasilesky who hates the USA, refers it as a Fascist state but doesn’t mind having real Fascists and Nazis support his cause. Hypocritical indeed:
Should there be a rule against people like Igor, that if they detest the USA so much, why are they signing themselves up on YouTube? To use something of a by-product of free market Capitalism to push THEIR propaganda?