Jawa Report has information about two different Islamist bloggers who’ve published the license plate number of a Georgia vehicle and are asking Muslims to harm the owner, because the car has a bumper sticker that the men find offensive. The original posting was on a Islamist website called Black Lion Blog which has backpedaled on the original intent of the post. It was re-posted by Join the Caravan, another extremist website that as of now still has the unidentified driver’s plate numbers and the suggestion that Muslims practice their “al walaa wal baraa” on the unsuspecting driver.
Loosely translated this would mean something like show your love for Allah and hatred for the unbelievers. This would constitute a death threat no matter how the author of Black Lion Blog would try to spin this.
Riehl World View has more.
Is it safe to assume that we are seeing the Jihad in America now, or will we need another large scale terror attack to wake us up?
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